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Authors note: Hello sorry I havent posted on this story for a long time something was just happening with my family issues but I have decided to try and post more so lets start

Aether held the Kamera up to his eyes silently trying to get a photo of Xiao who was holding a bird in his hands, Xiao looked at him confused before teloporting behind him. "What are you doing? Whats this?" Xiao asked pointing at the Kamera Aether couldnt hold back a smile "So you dont know what this is?" Xiao stayed silent with a slight huff "How about you take a closer look." Aether said giving Xiao the Kamera. Xiao looked curiostly at the lence then Aether pressed a button from the other side, a flash blinded Xiao.  "Huh!? What DID YOU DO! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!?" Xiao paniked confused while Aether began to laugh.

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