I had had enough. My greed had grown thorny. I needed more than words and voice. I wanted expressions and animations to these exchanges. I demanded her to FaceTime me after I got home from work. My mouth spoke faster than my mind.
At home In the shower I trembled. What was she going to be like. I knew her and her voice and her face but I haven't seen her in person. Only once and I couldn't look her in the eye, so curiosity fell upon me. Wandering if it's even the same girl (I knew she was) wandering if she's really a guy ( I knew who she was) I just let my imagination stir up the most asinine soup.
8 pm sharp my phone burst into the annoying ass iPhone tones. God I hate those tones. Excitedly I answered and what met me was bliss.
She looked better than still photos. Her hair was bouncy and pitch black. Her nose was shaped just so, that her cheeks looked soft as cotton.
Her lips.
Greeted with gang signs and a smoke filled room she happily returned my excitement. She was draped with an oversized T shirt. A cigarette in her fingers didn't burn. They melted slowly into wisps as if they wanted to match her elegance. Her smile shook me. It broke into the deepest parts of myself and warmed the cold caverns in my hollow body. The warm of syrup running slowly until it poured out of me and I grinned the way a child does without restraint.
Immediately we spoke of our days. Work and stress mean little when you have someone you can trust to vent them.
I felt like a schoolgirl kicking my feet on the phone. I was giggling and gossiping about nothing. A trip to get Gatorade became an epic poem, embellished and parodied for the entertainment of each other. Our imaginations ran wild without leashes or limitations.
Hours later, we began delving into personal life. Displaying our scars and their origins. Her knees where cut where she fell off her bike as a kid. I had scars on my face and our exchanges brought no pain but more of a therapeutic relief from explaining what others could not force themselves to care about.
At the end of that call I lay restless trying to sleep for work. I no longer needed my 6 hours.
Every day henceforth we would FaceTime constantly. I would even put her in my shirt pocket with the camera out so she could watch me work while I was busy. Knowing we were connected was nice since we hadn't met properly in person.
Things were different for me. Everything was brighter. Arrays of flavor and color gave new beauty to my everyday life. My drive to work in the dark became a house rave.it was simply wonderful
The end of August came with a promise. Her and her mother had decided to move back to Texas.