
3.9K 81 115


Y/N - Your Name

L/N - Last Name

H/C - Hair Color

H/L - Hair Length

E/C - Eye Color

F/F - Favorite Food

F/D - Favorite Drink


About You~

Age: 19 (going on 20)

Height: 5'5

Weight: N/A

Birthday: Your birthday

Likes: Anything you like

Dislikes: Anything you dislike

Personality: Slightly detached, always calm/emotionless, only shows emotion towards family, fearless, always looks disappointed, touch-starved but would never admit it, quiet, even if you don't see it...always shows empathy to those who need it, major trust issues, tends to curse at everyone for an unknown reason, extremely loyal and honest, courageous, integrity, trustworthy, respectful to some, responsible.


Flexibility -- 9/10

Intelligence -- 25/10

Combat -- 10/10

Weapons of any kind -- 8/10

Cooperation -- 4/10 (depends on what it is)


Mental Master~

Ultra Bravery -- Remains calm and fearless in all situations

Medical Intuition -- Instinctively understands anatomical workings and medical needs with no prior knowledge

Ultra Perception -- Spot minute details and notice things others miss

Hyper-Awareness -- Always alert, the user notices everything going on around them

Super Wisdom -- Always extensive knowledge, understanding, and experience combined

Polyglot -- Speak many languages fluently without having learned them beforehand

Super Apathy -- Remains emotionless and detached, no matter the situation


Speaker of Truth -- Only say things that are true (Cannot lie)

Vocifery -- Anything the user says becomes reality (You control if it becomes a reality)

Miracle Worker -- Perform miracles that defy physics and reason

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