Only Answering to One Person

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~Chapter 6~




"You're so traumatized it makes me wanna cry"




Y/N's Point of View~

Sarah was currently analyzing the staff closely. She looked between me and the computer. "I hope you aren't planning to use this for revenge on your parents," Sarah said, typing away at her computer.

I giggled softly, looking at the unsolved Rubik's Cube on her desk before saying, "I appreciate your naivety."

Sarah raised an eyebrow, intrigued by my response. I continued, "No, I have no intention of using this as revenge on my parents. I call it returning the favor."

"Y/N, perhaps forgiving and forgetting is the best way to deal with this. Y-You've been through a lot, far more than the ordinary person should! Perhaps we're going about this all wrong," Sarah tried to argue with me, but I didn't pay attention to what she said.

I leaned back in my chair, chuckling quietly. "Forgive and forget?" I inquired to Sarah, who appeared to be more interested in the keyboard. Maybe I'm scaring her? Before proceeding, I considered what I should say next: "...Forgive and forget? Nah. Fuck you. And fuck that."

Sarah giggled quietly and shook her head. "Time heals all wounds, Y/N," Sarah stated, opening a file containing highly confidential information.

"Even though they say that time heals all wounds...the scars are still fucking there. I can't forget what happened, I can't forget how I felt," I replied, I felt tears streaming down my face. I quickly wiped them.

"Says the girl who giggled at naked statues in a museum after we escaped," Sarah said, practically falling off her chair with laughter. I reflected on the memory. We were all intoxicated, celebrating our escape. We were strolling by a museum at midnight. So, like any other drunken adolescent teenagers, we broke in and wandered around, giggling at every nude statue. If we spotted a butt, penis, or vagin--well, you get the idea.

"It wasn't just me," I said, shaking my head, "it was all three of us. And we were drunk." Sarah rolled her eyes and returned her focus to her computer. Sarah is the sort of person who says, "Every day is my cheat day!" way too many times, I don't think she actually got fit after we got out. Jade usually began her day with an early morning run, which she said was a great way to make sure your day can't get any worse than it started.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Sarah asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at Sarah, forcing a smile to reassure her.

"I'm fine," I whispered, closing my eyes to try and hide the pain that was threatening to consume me. But deep down, I knew that my whispered words were nothing more than a feeble attempt to convince myself and others that everything was okay. I said I was fine, but I never said it didn't hurt.

"I mean, you know me, Sarah. You know I've never been good at emotional stuff. Except anger," I stated, starting to solve the Rubik's Cube before continuing, "Anger I'm good at." In two minutes, I put the Rubik's Cube down, solved. "I went to war with myself for them. That's why I'm returning the favor," I whispered, looking down at the Rubik's Cube. Sarah nodded, understanding the weight of my words. She knew that my struggle with emotions ran deep, but she also recognized the determination in my eyes. As I held the solved Rubik's Cube in my hands, a symbol of the battles I had fought within myself, it was clear that I was willing to fight for those who had fought for me.

Sarah got back to work on her computer before abruptly stopping, her hands shaking. "Uh, Y/N? We've got a problem," Sarah said, staring at the screen. I looked up at her, confused. I glanced at the screen, trying to make sense of what was causing Sarah's distress. It was then that I noticed a series of error messages flashing across the monitor, indicating a major system malfunction. 'I swear if that is Bruce or Tony...' I thought, glaring at the screen. Sarah's face turned pale as she frantically searched for a solution. "This is bad, really bad," she muttered under her breath. The error messages seemed to multiply by the second, intensifying the urgency of the situation.

I felt a vibration, noticing that someone was trying to call me. I quickly grabbed my phone, Nick fucking Fury. 'Should I answer him?' I thought, staring at the screen. I smirked before pressing the "Decline" button. I knew this would get him mad. He tried calling again, so I sent him to voice mail. As I continued to ignore Nick Fury's persistent calls, a mischievous grin spread across my face. I relished in the power of keeping him at bay, knowing that it would only fuel his frustration further. With each unanswered call, the satisfaction of teasing him grew stronger, leaving me curious about what he could possibly want from me. Maybe my location? If they can hack into Sarah's system, then they already found me.

Then someone else called, Tony Stark. Just to piss off Nick Fury, I answered. Tony Stark's charismatic voice crackled through the phone, instantly capturing my attention. Despite knowing it was a deliberate move to provoke Nick Fury, I couldn't resist engaging in a playful banter with the billionaire genius. "Hello Iron Man, what can I help you with?" I asked, hearing Nick Fury yell.

"Where the hell are you!? You left the mission with the Tesseract!" Tony yelled, his frustration evident in his voice. The team had been relying on him to secure the Tesseract, and now everything was in jeopardy. Because of me. I didn't say anything; I was only listening to everyone's frustration. "We have your mask," Tony said, it seemed like he was trying to threaten me.

"I know you won't do anything to the mask because you value your life," I stated, smirking as I heard everyone give a frustrated sigh. So I was on speaker... interesting. I could sense the tension in the room, realizing that my statement had struck a nerve. The frustrated sighs only confirmed that they were now aware of the consequences they would face if they dared to tamper with the mask. It seemed like my knowledge of their intentions had put them in a difficult position, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at having gained the upper hand.

I put the phone on speaker because Sarah signaled that she wanted to say something. "Just remember, Y/N is smart, confident, and aware she doesn't need you. So, you should be worried!" Sarah exclaimed, I can tell she was proud of herself for that. I giggled silently. "Also, can your dumbasses stop hacking my computer? I need to study this staff so Y/N can have bragging rights against all of you for figuring it out first!" Sarah said, before going back to her computer to try to stop the messages.

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