Your first time meeting His mother(scenerio)

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As I nervously looked through my closet, I eventually settled on a simple sundress, wanting to appear presentable but not overly dressed up. I knew it was silly to spend so much time deciding what to wear, but I couldn't help the jitters I was feeling about visiting Shuichi's home for the first time.

Finally, after what felt like hours of primping, I heard a knock at my door. It was Shuichi, looking as suave and composed as ever, dressed in a casual shirt and jeans.

"Hello," he said with a smile, holding out his hand. "Shall we go?"

I nodded, following him out of the dorm. As we walked towards his house, my heart started racing with anticipation. I couldn't wait to meet his mother, who he always spoke so highly of.

When we arrived at his house, Shuichi's mother greeted us warmly, teasing him about bringing a friend over. I blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed, but Kurama just chuckled and introduced me.

"It's lovely to meet you, Mrs. Minamino," I said, bowing respectfully.

"Please, call me Shiori," she replied with a smile. "Shuichi has told me so much about you. He's always been such a dedicated student, but I'm glad he's making time for friends as well."

Shuichi looked slightly embarrassed by his mother's praise, but I could tell he was pleased as well. We chatted for a while longer before Shuichi suggested that we go out to the garden to get some work done.

As we worked side by side, pulling weeds and tending to the plants, Shuichi and I chatted about our studies and hobbies. It was easy to talk to him, and I found myself relaxing in his company.

But as the day wore on and the sun began to set, I realized that I was starting to feel a little disappointed. Despite how comfortable and enjoyable the day had been, I couldn't help but wish that Shuichi and I were more than just friends.

I shook my head, chiding myself for getting ahead of myself. Shuichi was just a senior, and there was no reason to think that he had any romantic interest in me.

You found yourself growing more comfortable around Shuichi and his mother. You realized that even though you weren't dating, this was still an important relationship to foster.

As you headed back to your dorm, you couldn't help but think about the possibility of a future with Shuichi. Maybe it wasn't dating, but there was certainly something there that you both wanted to explore further.



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