Swimming Lessons

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Shuichi had offered to teach (Y/N) how to swim in his home's swimming pool. As he watched her change into her swimsuit, he couldn't help but feel a rush of desire. He had always found her attractive, but seeing her in a swimsuit was a whole new level of temptation.

As they walked towards the pool, Shuichi's mother appeared from the house, smiling at the two of them. "(Y/N) it's great to see you again you look lovely as always" she smiled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Exchanging greetings they headed towards the pool.

His inner fox stirred within him, urging him to take action, to make his move. But Kurama resisted, knowing that he didn't want to risk scaring her. They were more than friends, of course, but they had never crossed the line into a romantic relationship. He didn't want to push her away or make things awkward between them.

(Y/N) stepped out onto the pool deck, her hair tied back in a ponytail, a nervous look on her face. Kurama couldn't help but smile at her, feeling a sense of protectiveness towards her. He knew that she had never learned how to swim before, and he was determined to teach her.

(Y/N) stood on the edge of Shuichi's swimming pool, her toes curled over the edge as she peered uncertainly into the water. Shuichi was standing next to her, his hand resting lightly on the curve of her back as he gave her gentle encouragement.

"Come on, (Y/N), you can do it," he said softly. "Just take a deep breath and jump in."

(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before finally taking a deep breath and launching herself into the water with a splash. As she resurfaced, she spluttered and gasped for air, feeling a little bit disorientated.

Shuichi swam over to her, his lithe and graceful movements slicing through the water as if he were part of it. He smiled at her reassuringly and touched her arm, steadying her.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft and concerned.

(Y/N) nodded, feeling a little bit embarrassed at her own clumsiness. "I'm fine. I'm just not used to this."

Shuichi chuckled and brushed a strand of wet hair out of (Y/N)'s eyes. "Don't worry, (Y/N). I'll teach you how to swim in no time."

When their swimming lesson was over, Shuichi helped (Y/N) out of the pool, feeling a rush of desire as his hands touched her skin. He knew that he needed to keep his distance, to respect their boundaries. But it was becoming harder and harder to resist his inner fox, to give in to the pull of his desire for her.

(Y/N), for her part, was completely oblivious to Shuichi's inner turmoil. She was focused on learning how to swim, determined to overcome her fear of the water. But as she looked up at (Y/N), she couldn't help but notice the way his eyes lingered on her, the intensity of his gaze.

Shuichi's mother, who had been watching them from the patio, couldn't help but notice the undeniable chemistry between them. "My son, you're smitten with her, aren't you?" she teased, her eyes twinkling.

Shuichi blushed, feeling caught off guard. "I don't know what you're talking about, mother," he replied, trying to play it cool.

(Y/N), who had overheard the exchange, couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her chest. She had always been drawn to Shuichi, and now it seemed that he might feel the same way.

As they continued to practice in the water, the tension between them grew palpable. Kurama's desire for (Y/N) was almost overwhelming, his inner fox urging him to take what he wanted. But he knew that he couldn't risk their friendship by acting on his feelings.

(Y/N), too, was battling her own emotions, torn between her desire for Shuichi and her fear of losing him as a friend.

As they finished their swimming lesson and climbed out of the pool, Kurama couldn't resist the urge to pull (Y/N) into a tight embrace. "You did great," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion.

(Y/N) felt her heart race as she leaned into him, her body pressing against his. She knew that they were playing with fire, risking everything for the chance at something more. But in that moment, all she could think about was the undeniable chemistry between them, the way that they fit together perfectly.

As they dried off and got dressed, Shuichi couldn't help but steal glances at (Y/N), his heart racing with anticipation. He knew that they were on the brink of something more, that their undeniable chemistry was impossible to ignore. But he also knew that they needed to take things slow, to let their feelings develop naturally.

As they said goodbye and Kurama watched (Y/N) walk away, his heart filled with longing. He knew that he wanted more than just friendship with her, but he also knew that he needed to be patient, to let things unfold at their own pace. They were more than friends, but not yet lovers. And that was a delicate balance that they both needed to navigate carefully.



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