📱The bad robots🔥

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Midnight moves around before opening her eyes. The sky is shining bright onto her. She looks down to see herself laying on a cloud. She look up and sees a man looking down at her. He has blue fire for hair. "What are you doing here kid?" She stares at him before pointing at his hair. "Seen before. Pretty!" Hades stares at her. "You sure about that kid?" She nods and Hades looks back. "Stay here I have to chat to someone." Midnight sits back down on the cloud and watches the man leave. She hones in on his conversation as she knows she might need that information.

"Hades! My good friend.  Look at this li'l cutie pie. We would like to thank you all for the gifts on behalf of our son." Hades groans and rolls his eyes. "Oh, so precious. How absolutely heart-warming. I haven't felt this choked up since I got some moussaka stuck in my throat." The sunny man says "Don't look so glum, chum. Come and join the celebrations!" Hades looks very annoyed from what Midnight can see. "I'd love to, but unfortunately, I can't leave my post thanks to the work you graciously 'bestowed' upon me. Zeus. Love to stay, but sadly can't!" Zeus says "Come now, you'll work yourself to death! Get it? To death! I could kill myself laughing!" Hades walks away pissed as everyone laughs. "Ugh, if only...!" He grumbles to himself before walking back to the corner where Midnight is. "Umm kiddo why are you here even?" "Momma away. Clouds fun." Hades stares at her. "Why the short and weird sentences?" "Speaking too much is scary. Bad man hurt." Hades goes quiet before saying "Don't worry. This place is safe." He pats her head. "You know you remind me of Cerberus. You seem very....tricky." Midnight smiles. "Momma said I was a tricky wolf. You remind me of Idia. Blue firey hair." Hades looks down at her. "Oh? He sounds....helpful." Midnight yawns. "Waking up. Bye bye." She sits back down on the cloud before handing a small fire clip that is sorta painted. "Hold." Hades takes it as the cloud takes Midnight away. 

She wakes up in her room with Ace and Deuce looking at her. "Midnight are you okay? We found you bleeding from your arm. You shouldn't be out this late." Midnight sits up and looks down at her arm. It is bandaged up and there are some soft blood stains on it. She can tell there was a lot of blood as her nose is picking up on the scent of her blood. Her ears lowered while her tail curled up. "Where is Grim?" Ace looked at her. "We don't know. We called the Headmaster as we found you bleeding." There was a knock on the main door as Deuce walked out of the room to open it. Ace picked up Midnight carefully as he walked down the steps before sitting her down on the couch. Crowley sat down next to Midnight as she explained what happened to her. Crowley nodded before looking at Ace and Deuce and taking them to another room to talk. Midnight sat there looking out the window. She saw a pair of glowing blue orbs looking back at her. "Subject has a large about of bolt. Request to take in." She started shaking as her eyes widen. Her ears perked up as she growled at the thing with a angry look in her eyes. Her arms softly glowed as blot dripped from her finger tips before the thing said "Calm down Subject." She suddenly felt sleepy as a smell filled up her nose. She was standing up swaying back and forth before she held onto the couch. "Seems like too much was released. Subject's body is unable to handle it. Stopping release." Midnight's body was shaking as the blot stopped dripping from her body as she sat down on the floor looking at the blue orbs. "What want?" "Subject is going to learn later." The blue orbs dimmed before Midnight heard steps going away.

In the morning

Vil had everyone meet up. Midnight was in her room looking around for something. Her clips were gone when she woke up. She had basically looked everywhere when she opened the story book to find them inside it but on a page about someone named 'Hercules'. She flipped through some of the page with a bit of help from the blot. She was fixing her hair as it was a mess. She heard a crash downstairs. She ran down to see the same blue orbs looking back at her. She felt someone pick her up as the robots said "Subject Wolf is captured." Midnight was kicking her legs as she tried to break out of the robot's grip. "Subject calm down." She kept on kicking while Vil and Jamil were taken. She screamed as she was being taken from her home. Another robot came out of her room with her staff and Scar stuffy. "Let us go." Midnight reached her arm as Ace and Deuce's eyes widen as she was taken. "MIDNIGHT!" Deuce and Ace yelled before the roof fell down on them while Epel threw a bag at them to which the blot quickly came out of Midnight and caught the bag. "WE WILL SAVE YOU!" Epel shouted before Midnight was too far for her ears to pick up his voice. She rubbed her fae ears as the robots carried them. She saw one of them had Grim so she moved and reached her arm out. The robot with Grim came closer as she was able to hold onto the cage to pet Grim who was crying seeing her bandaged arm. "Did I do that?" Midnight looked at her bandaged arm. "I know you didn't mean it Grimmy." She said softly before the robots said "Landing." Midnight felt herself being moved as the robots landed in a bay area. She looks around as the robots move deeper into the area. She notices that it is very dark as she hears Grim say "Damn. I can barely see even with my cat eyes!" Midnight's eyes were more use to the dark from being a Night wolf. She looks around as if the area was bright like during the day. "Subject E and Wolf are here, Acting Director." "That's good. Take them to their rooms and be careful with Wolf. Bring a female researcher to the room to help her." "Command taken in." Midnight's robot and Grim's started to go down a hall and stopped at two rooms. One room had a blue light while the other had a white light. 

Midnight the night wolfWhere stories live. Discover now