Chapter 9

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A/N Alright guys, I'm in shock. I saw Louis' tour dates and yelled bloody murder when I saw Giant Rooks was opening for him in his North American Tour. I've known their pianist for 10 years now, and I'll be going to one of their shows, and meet the one and only Louis Tomlinson. *Screaming and crying*

Harry ran his hands over his face, almost wanting to groan as he saw the time. Getting through the day has been torturous, and he's terrified to talk to Niall and Liam, but it needs to be done, he knows that.

First, he needs to sign for his late delivery, and after that he'll have a sit down with them.

It took a lot of thinking last night, and he hasn't talked to Louis since his shift yesterday when they fought. Even thinking about it pained Harry, and as much as he longed to give the blue eyed man what he wanted he wasn't ready. It felt unfair, like he wasn't heard, and after everything Harry had told Louis it hurt. But he could have the conversation with their friends to put himself the slightest bit at ease.

He stood from his chair, hearing the back door open and close from down the hall and figuring it was the delivery.

Harry felt like he could barely lift his feet or keep his head up, but he managed to shuffle into the dish pit and slightly prepare himself to see Louis. But when he stepped into the room his heart dropped into his stomach, his delivery driver leaning against the sinks near the older man and smiling as he chatted with him. What broke Harry though was seeing Louis grinning just as much as they went back and forth.

"Brandon," Harry tried to keep the edge from his voice, "give me my papers."

"Dude back off, you're not my boss."

"In case you forgot your company does work for me. I give you my business, and I can take it away," Harry scowled at him, "now papers," he held his hand out.

Brandon rolled his eyes as he stepped away from Louis to give him the sheets. As soon as Harry had them though he went right back to his spot next to him.

Harry felt close to throwing something across the room, even if it was his produce. He couldn't seem jealous though, he couldn't put himself in a worse position if Brandon found out.

"So do you live around here, like near the restaurant?" Brandon leaned his back against the sink as he smiled at Louis.

The blue eyed man could see how close he was getting to him, and Brandon couldn't take his eyes off him. Louis' gaze flashed to Harry though, and it was painful to see him focusing on going through his product.

"I'm about a 10-minute drive, not too far," he offered him a small grin back.

"Nice, I'm close too. Have you been to Nolan's? It's a pretty nice gastropub a few blocks from here."

"Oh uh, can't say I have. Don't really venture out much," Louis said through a half heart chuckle.

Brandon hummed, his smile growing ever so slightly, "maybe we should change that," he carefully bumped their shoulders.

Louis opened his mouth, his pulse becoming nonexistent as his eyes found Harry and saw him frozen and staring right back at him. He wished Harry would stop him, he wished the curly haired man would say he was taken. But that's a reality he won't get, it doesn't seem to be in the cards for him.

Brandon seems nice though, he's cute and took an interest in him quickly. Plus he obviously has no trouble flirting with him in public.

"Uhm, yeah it would be nice to go out a little more," Louis nodded at him, but even as he said it he felt his heart drop into his stomach.

"Well let's do it then," he said happily, "here, put your number in," he passed him his phone.


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