"After The Storm"

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During a storm there is this sadness
During that storm is like my illness
That illness left my mind with emptiness
That time got me thinking,
can I still do this?

During the storm I was mad,
And I didn't want anyone to feel bad
But this Lupus I had, I still do
Can't help but make everyone sad
From what I have been through

So is it like a storm?
When they knew, they were alarmed
For I might not be able to survive
But they made me feel warm.

This storm that I have to fight
It gets worse every night
But I know I have the light
To think what is right

The only difference is a storm goes away,
And everyone is happy the next day
But my condition stays
Though I know I have my own ways

After the storm, everyone is happy
Being happy, I can be
But as a storm would leave a residue,
From my sadness,
I find a way to breakthrough.

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