Chapter 6 - Dancing With A Pirate

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WARNING: The following is an unofficial, fanmade story. Kingdom Hearts is owned by Square Enix, the Walt Disney Company, and Tetsuya Nomura. I know this is a chapter around pirates, but you never know...

Welcome back to Toontown News! Smokey Silvers has made his glorious return after a whole day of absence! Now I know what you're thinking... Mr. Silvers! We missed ya! Where have ya been!? That's the least important of things. I have much, much bigger news. Our heroes... Actually managed to free a place from Mizrabel's control! Arendelle was engulfed in flaming heat after Anna's fear of her sister getting stigmatized even as a queen contributed in her getting corrupted and become an Overwritten. With the help of a mysterious new teammate, they were able to stop her from destroying the kingdom and get her back to her senses.
(Some voices were heard behind the scenes)
What's that, you say? There's another member joining? I 'unno, I'll believe it when I see it, I have just enough respect for the audience not to give them false information. That's all for today's news!
(Smokey drops the southern country accent)
... Also, I couldn't hear the alarm clock yesterday, hence why I didn't wake up in time. I told you it was the least important of news.

The team was on its way back to the ship after a moderately relaxed afternoon at Twilight Town. The new addition to the party, Xion, tried to start a conversation with Tonitrus and Nyx, who only really saw them alongside the friends she already knew. The blue haired girl didn't look like she wanted to start a conversation, as she was walking a pace between Riku and the other two. So she tried to break the ice with the blonde boy instead. She directed her eyes to him and said:
"Hey... Was Hayner doing well when you first saw him?", she asked. Tonitrus was taken off guard by that question.
"Huh? He seemed well when I saw him, if a little... Intense, occasionally.", he said.
"That relieves me a lot. He was really close to some of our friends who went missing, and tried to overcome the grief by training in a simulation he found with the help of Pence. He tried to emulate the biggest enemies even I had fought, and while I originally thought it was just a simple way to unwind, he once managed to take down an enemy that almost took me down for good. A masked red haired girl who was also gifted with the same power as us two... It's incredible he was able to make her retreat even with just his bare hands!", explained the black haired girl. His eyes widened in and asked her in an exaggerated tone:
"Wa-wa-wait! How'd you know about that!?".
"Riku and I have been friends for quite a long time! He did explain everything earlier after all!", she replied, shrugging.
When they made it back to the ship, Xion got her first look at the Twincast.
"Oh, so that's the ship I heard earlier! I like the colors and especially the fact that you painted the cannons-", she said, as she put her hand over one of the cannons, but she accidentally detached it. She freaked out for a second but then recognized its form.
"Oh... It's just a Fire/G... It's quite weak, so it's a good time to replace that.", she said, as she looked in her bag. She found a small purple block with a star-shaped cannon and put it where the previous one was placed. It snapped and then scaled up to match the size of the others.
"The piece I've installed is a Gravity/G. You'll see how it works the first time we see some Overwritten go our way. Just know that starting now, Mizrabel might find out about us, so it's best to up our game whenever possible.", she said. Riku and Tonitrus were still not the most experienced even after a few journeys and battles, but while the blonde boy followed for fun, the other one tried to take some notes from Xion so that he could perhaps learn some tricks before they departed.
"We'll be fine! We freed just one ruler! They're not going to track us down just now!", laughed Nyx at the black haired girl. In response, she rolled her eyes and said:
"If I find a hole in Riku's ship when we land, you're fixing it.".
"Ugh, fine...", muttered the blue haired girl. Riku intervened, with a little stuttering:
"Hold on, it's not mine! It's Don..."- The blonde boy looked at him with a confused face - "... I mean, PK's ship. Normally, he would have told me to me to make my own, so it's a miracle he even gave us this. So let's try and not be so reckless. This applies to you too, Xion.", self-corrected Riku.
"Sorry...", she sighed, in a barely visible blush. He smiled and then shifted his sight on the group.
"Now that we have everything ready, it is best we move. There's probably another world out there that's awaiting us.", he said to his crew. Everyone nodded and entered the ship, departing for their next destination.

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