Chapter 1 - Spark in the Dark

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DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial, fanmade story. Kingdom Hearts is a property of Square Enix, the Walt Disney Company, and Tetsuya Nomura.
Additionally, while this story can fully be understood as its standalone installment even from people who aren't experts on the plot of the series, this chapter does contain spoilers for Kingdom Hearts III's ending. So if you want to experience the series' story on your own, I recommend you read this once you finish the games. (in technical matters, this takes place in an alternate universe right after the events of Kingdom Hearts III)

For many generations, there has been a legend about a hero. A hero with the ability to purge the dominating darkness and bring balance to the world of Isignia, with the help of a magic weapon known as the Keyblade.
And then, it became reality. The hero of the legend, named Sora, was able to save world from darkness multiple times, but on his final adventure, he had to sacrifice his life in order to save his loved ones. A year after his disappearance, many worlds heard of his story one way or the other, even places and people that the Keyblade Wielder was never able to reach.
Among these was a malicious witch named Mizrabel, who took advantage of his disappearance and took control of almost all of Isignia. Now, with him gone, and his friends' state being unknown, the chances of her rule being taken down are next to none. Despite all of this, there still are individuals who dream of someone who can take matters into their own hands and save everyone from the looming darkness.

Tonitrus Voltes is one of them.
This afternoon started as usual for him, letting go of the emotionless façade he put during the cold and serious environment of Toontown High, and running his way home. He was wearing an orange sweatshirt that on top of fitting with his medium length dark blonde hair, it also sort of felt like a cape while running, alongside some blue jeans and black combat boots. After he got home and changed his clothes into a blue t-shirt and black shorts, he checked what time it was, so he could prepare his stuff, as the following day was one he's awaited for a very long time.
Tonitrus had always been a lonely boy, as his energetic behavior never got along with his schoolmates, who thought exclusively about studies, so he decided to focus on his passion for agility, and after a discovery made while at the phone with his mother, he decided to sign up for the Aero-Motion Tournament, a long athletic race inspired by the legendary wielder, and how he made his way through the trickiest of lands with style.
"I've waited for so long for this before I even knew about this, this is going to be my time to shine!" he said in an enthusiastic manner, followed by a less positive:
"And maybe someone will actually start to notice me."
He then looked at the sky from his bedroom's window, to try and clear his thoughts. An orange twilight, with very small lines of clouds. It was a very soothing view. This scenery, however, was interrupted when Tonitrus saw a mysterious caped person on top of one of his neighboring homes, which vanished after a blink, which he shrugged off afterwards, thinking it was just an after image of the sun about to set.

The night before the competition was quite relaxing for the boy's standards, he wanted all the extra sleep he could, so he could be ready. While he did eventually have a nice rest, that shadow on the roof was only the first of many special occurrences that were going to happen.

In his dream, Tonitrus found himself with his outside clothes in a black void standing on a stained glass platform that portrayed a picture, perplexing the boy.
"Where am I? Actually, what even is this place?", he said in a perplexed manner. Then he saw what was portrayed on the platform, which multiplied his confusion tenfold. At the lower half, there was a precise portrayal of the blonde boy, and above that was a group of circular portraits depicting various individuals. He tried processing this information for a minute, but when he was about to burst, he started hearing a calm feminine voice:
"Welcome, disciple of the sacred weapon. You have been invoked to the Station of Awakening. The heart of the more passionate of individuals.".
"So this is my heart, well, at least that's one of my many questions answered..." he said to himself.
The other voice continued: "Darkness has once again broken the balance of everything, and it is only a matter of time before it reaches us. Do you carry enough light to be able to dispose of it?".
Tonitrus picked up some courage and responded: "I have the strength in my heart as the one you're seeking, so please, o Angelic-voice-that-s-haunting-my-dream, throw down the glove let me prove my might!".
The voice from above manifested as a droplet of black liquid, falling into the glass platform, and while Tonitrus was getting close to it, they eventually responded:
"Very well. Will you prove to achieve the same greatness as the other heroes before you? Do not cower, use all of your heart and all of your light!".

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