4: Your timeline doesn't end here, not on my watch

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"Gemma help!" Harry yelled to his sister for help, carrying Louis into the hospital and following her as she jumped up and led them to a room.

He'd called his sister in the car after Louis passed out, she's a doctor and he knew she was at work tonight, so that came in handy.

He explained the situation and Gemma examined him. "He has an open fracture." Harry sighed. "That was pretty obvious Gemma, he passed out so what else is going on?!"

Gemma hummed and did some tests on Louis. "I think two of his ribs are broken apart to the fracture in his arm, everything else looks good, as good as possible at least. It could have ended much worse. I ordered a scan so we will know whether there is internal bleeding, but I don't think so."

Harry nodded, a look of relief in his eyes. "So he probably passed out from the blood loss from his arm?" Gemma nodded. "That, and the pain I guess. Harry tell me if I'm wrong, but you were very panicked on the phone, you've had cases like this before, but this seemed to touch you a lot, do you like Louis?"

Harry smiles softly. "Yes," he whispered, a sparkle in his eye. "I like him a lot, Gems. I promised to take him on a date if he survives this." Gemma patted her little brother on the shoulder. "He'll be fine, so start thinking about what outfit you wanna wear." She winked.

Harry laughed. "That won't be a problem."

"I'm taking him for a scan now and then I'm going to fix his arm and then he can go home if everything is okay, the only problem is just that he can't be alone- well we'll get over that later, Be right back." Gemma took the brakes off the bed and rolled it out of the room.

Harry gave Louis one last look before he disappeared from view. Harry thought about what Gemma just had said, Louis can go home if everything goes well, but he doesn't even know where Louis lives...

It doesn't matter much either, if necessary he takes him to his house and sleeps on the couch. Louis probably won't be able to tell where he lives after the anesthesia.

He sighs and lowers himself into the chair next to the empty spot where the bed with Louis in it just stood.

He puts his head in his hands and prays Louis will be okay and has nothing serious.

A while later, Gemma returns with Louis. She puts the bed back properly and draws the covers where Louis is lying under a little higher.

"Good news, no internal bleeding, I even straightened the arm right after the scan and used a light anesthetic since he's still unconscious, but I assume he'll wake up soon. The rest looked neat too, just that wound on his forehead had to be stitched up."

Harry looked at Louis' forehead. He hadn't seen it at all, but sure enough, there had been a nasty wound there, fortunately it was now nicely stitched up and probably won't leave behind a big scar. Not that it would matter, Louis was beautiful anyway.

"Thanks sis, you're the best." He got up and gave his sister a hug.

"Aarh" Harry looked to his side and saw Louis's eyelids flutter. "What-?" He looked around confused.

Harry grabbed the chair and sat down next to him, taking his hand in his. "Hey Lou, you made it."

Louis's eyes had to adjust to the light but his vision was quick to sharpening. He smiled as he saw the curly haired boy next to him. "Good, because I really want to take you on a date."

Gemma, still standing in the room, was happy for her little brother. "Hello Louis I'm Dr. Gemma Styles, Harry's sister-"

Louis looked at the siblings. "Two of you? You look exactly the same but the opposite sex." The siblings laughed before Gemma continued. "You're doing well, as you can see your arm is in a cast, I chose green, Harry's eye color, I had already heard a few things." They laugh. "Your arm has been straightened and I have stitched a wound on your forehead. You are not bleeding from internally but you have two broken ribs so you will have to take it easy for a while, you can't be alone for the first week."

Louis sighed. "I'm glad there's nothing serious, but I don't really have any family nearby who can be with me, they're abroad and my friends well they are also recovering from the crash."

Gemma looked at Harry as Harry looked at Louis. He took his hand and intertwined their fingers. "Guess you're coming home with me tonight then."

"Tryna get me in your bed Styles? Not that I'm complaining." They laughed, glad that everything's alright.


That was 4, Louis is alright! Do you wonder what will happen next? I have a lot of ideas, as well for a new book! 😌 I of course will finish this one though, so no worries!

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