Forever yours (Epilogue)

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Just wanted to say before you read that I tried to get the timeline right like ages and so on, but if there are some small mistakes I apologize!

There is also a part about school system and kindergarten and so on, I don't know much about it even though I did research, it's what you get when you live somewhere with a other school system haha, a complicated one to say.

*Trigger warning*

Mention of passing away at childbirth, it's short and just one sentence but I felt like it needed to be mentioned to you. <3




4 years later

"Lou my love, I love you so much but if you're not downstairs within 20 seconds I'm going without you, been waiting for ages just for you to find the 'perfect outfit'.

Louis quicky makes his way downstairs, he knows Harry isn't kidding.

He pouts as he approaches Harry and cuddles into his side. "I'm sorry, this day just needs to be perfect."

Harry smiles and pulls his husband in for a soft kiss. "You always look gorgeous and it's gonna be just fine today, I'm sure of it, it's just Maverick's kindergarten graduation party, darling."

Louis gasps. "Just, JUST?! our baby is going to primary school soon, I'm crying my eyes out thinking about it."

Harry rubs Louis's back, kissing his forehead, not being able to hold back a small chuckle.

"I'm sorry. It's just, I get it, I'm sad as well you know? But my excitement is going through the roof and I'm so proud of him and so are you, I know that, you're just a bit more sensitive, sweetie. I'm here for you, we did this with Vicky as well a long time ago, it's gonna be fine." He reassures.

Louis sighs and then smiles up at Harry. "Thanks babe, you're right I'm just a bit nervous that's all." Harry nods as he places a arm around Louis's waist, holding hands as they walk to the car.

Harry and Louis were doing great. Their 'little girl' is now 10 years old and she's doing amazing.

Harry and Louis never regretted finding a home for her in theirs and their lives. She's gorgeous and has a great personality and if you ask Harry and Louis, she will always be their little princess.

Two years ago when Victoria was 8, they decided they wanted another child and got back to the centre. They told Victoria about the plans but didn't take her to the centre, thinking it might scare her as she has been there a long time ago.

The boys after a while adopted Maverick, a sweet two year old boy. His father was a drug addict and couldn't take take care of him, his mother had sadly passed away giving birth to her son.

Maverick had dark blonde hair and hazel eyes and you can guess it, dimples just like his daddy.

He went home with Harry and Louis and met his big sister and the who got along rather quickly.

There was a bit of a gap between the now siblings, but that didn't matter to any of the boys nor the children.

Alexis was now a grown up dog and not a pup anymore, Louis and Harry even bought her a friend to play with, another golden retriever called 'Cherié'.

As you can tell everything seems to go well. Louis and Harry are married for eight years now and they both couldn't be happier.

They still see Niall, Liam and Zayn every week and the boys are jsut as fond of Maverick as they are of Victoria.

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