25: Looking back and forth

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Hello love,

Yesterday was our anniversary, I'm now married to you for two whole years, can't believe it!

It feels like yesterday that we went out to the garden and you gave  me that gorgeous ring. Everytime I look at my hand I just can't believe I'm yours, that this is a symbol that we will love each other forever, that we're always together even at times when we're apart.

You make me so happy, Harry. I know I'm a shitty writer (; but I try my best! I rather tell you that I love you in person because expressing things on paper is a love language of mine, but being in your arms whispering my love to you is a thing I love the most.

Our sweet little girl is going to school soon, I'm so excited! I can tell you are as well, but we're both nervous when it comes to seeing her grow up in front of our eyes.

She's doing so well luckily!

I loved going to the park last week! The both of us acting like children and going down the slides makes me think of the times it was just the two of us, having late night conversations at the park, staring up at the sky. It's still the same, just now sharing these things with Vicky, I can tell she's happy and thriving!

We're going to France soon, the two of us and well I've got mixed feelings about it.

I mean I love to be able to spend some quality time together and just go on dates and so on, but at the same time I feel kinda bad for not taking Victoria with us.

She will be fine at Liam's place and she knows that her daddies need to spend some time together and she honestly can't wait to stay with li, but yea it's weird going and spending time as just the two of us again.

I know we're going to have a great time and that we will have to come back later with vic, that thought makes me happy.

Well I got to go and get vicky ready, she is talking about her daddy daughter date the whole day already, can't wait to hear stories from the both of  you when you two get back tonight.

Next week it's my turn! :)

I love you, darling, more then you will ever know.

- Yours sincerely, Louis

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