12: Friends equals fun, 2 lovers equals...?

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Hi guys!

I'm back, had a short break and now I'm ready to give ya'll some new chapters to read!

Have fun!


"What are we going to do today? It's raining outside and I don't feel like going to the mall again." Louis rested his elbows on the couch, his head in his hands and feet dangling.

Harry scrolled through Instagram, chuckling before speaking up. "Since when don't you like shopping, you feeling alright?" He put up a hand to his forehead, Louis swatting it away and rolling his eyes. "I just wanna do something funnnn," Louis whined, sighing dramatically.

Harry held up his phone. "Why don't we call over Liam, Niall and Zayn and play some videogames here?"

Louis jumped up. "That's a good idea! Could you give them a call?" Harry nodded and called Liam. "Hi Li, fancy coming over with Niall and Zayn and playing some games? Alright you ask them? Great cya soon mate." Harry hung up the phone. "They're coming soon, shall we order some food?"

"Sounds good." Louis plugged in the playstation. "We're gonna play FIFA!!" Harry laughed. "Sure babe, sounds good."

Soon the other boys arrived and they played some games, talked a lot, mainly about the new, gorgeous couple and of course they ate Nando's, Louis owed Niall that ;)

Liam and Louis were smoking outside later that evening, the stars lingering in the night sky.

"I'm happy for you Lou, you really love him don't you?"

Louid nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "I love him a lot, I'm thinking about asking him to marry me actually," he said, taking a drag of his cigarette.

Liam smiled as his eyes widened. "That's great! He's such a good guy, treating you really well. We all love seeing the two of you together. Secretly you made that car crash on purpose, hoping for a hot firefighter to save you hm?" They both laughed, staring at the night sky.

"Well I always wanted a great boyfriend, didn't know that moment would be THE moment though, but I wouldn't want to have it any other way."

Liam nodded, still smiling. "Any idea of how you gonna pop the question to the curly lad?" Louis scratched his chin, thinking about what his friend said.

"Well I got a idea, actually."


*Two weeks later*

"Lou don't be so nervous, we're going to look at a house, you're not having a job interview." Harry shook his head as he watched Louis pacing around the house.

Louis stopped in his tracks and stared at Harry for a brief moment. "Excuse me for thinking about what I exactly want, we're gonna look for a house to live in for a longgggg time!"

Harry pat his boyfriends shoulder. "Well that's true, but it won't be the last time we're moving I bet, don't wanna choose a house and grow old there, but I do wanna grow old with you though." Louis hummed as Harry kissed his cheek, his hands sliding down Louis' waist. "I can calm your nerves you know..."

Louis giggled, his cheeks pink. "I would love that but you eased me with your words for now, we're going to be late!" Harry groaned as Louis left the warm embrace.

"Alright, let's go then."

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