16: Yours sincerely, yours truly

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"I can make a new memory for us, babe."

Harry looked at him curiously, what does Louis mean?.

Louis softly smiled, wiping away a falling tear from his cheek. He sniffed. "Harry, I honestly love you so much. I never thought I coukd love a person so much, I might love you more then I love myself." He smiles through his tears as Harry holds his hands in his.

"You're such a amazing human being, you learned me so much, you saved my life and made my future so much brighter, I could never wish for a better boyfriend than you, and that's why I don't want to call you my boyfriend anymore.

'The person I am with you is the person I want to be, for the rest of our lives... I never thought I would fall in love with you, but I fell head over heels. truly, madly, deeply....'

He sighed and went down on one knee, smiling up at Harry, who was shocked, was Louis really?!....

"Hazza, babe, darling, I love to call you those names and probably forever will, but I would more likely love to call you my husband alongside that...

Harry Edward Styles, would you want to spend the rest of your lifetime with me and do me the honour of marrying me?"

He grabbed the tiny box from his pocket and held it up to Harry, showing him a precious ring.

Harry jumped up in joy and pulled Louis up his feet, which Louis was grateful for, his knee was starting to hurt from the position he was sitting in.

"YES, A MILLION TIMES YES!" He pulled Louis in and they shared a passionate kiss, full of love, both having the taste of tears in their mouth, tears of joy of course. That didn't matter though, both were over the moon.

Their foreheads resting against each other, they both looked at each other, their eyes glowing, both sparks in their eyes.

"I will always choose you, Louis."

Louis hugged him, his hand on Harry's back. He brought his mouth to his ear. "That's good, 'cuz now you're stuck with me forever."

"I'm not complaining." They both giggled and Louis tugs at his hand. "Let's go inside and test our new bed now shall we?" He winked, dimples showing in his smile.

"Sounds like a plan."

They went inside, both a great memory in their mind. Well, it wasn't a memory yet, but it will be one to never forget for sure...


AAAA THEY'RE ENGAGED NOW! Loved to write this, ya'll enjoy reading?...

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