5: Being with him

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After Louis spent a few hours in the hospital chatting with Harry (and Gemma here and there) Louis was discharged and allowed to leave the hospital.

They were now on their way to Harry's house, since Louis was not allowed to be alone for a week due to his injuries. Not that they minded, not at all.

Harry looked at where Louis was sleeping in the passenger seat, his head leaning against the window. Harry smiles as he hears Louis' calm breathing and soft snores.

Once he arrives at his house, he carefully opens the door and considers whether to wake Louis, but decides not to since Louis is sleeping soundly and could use some sleep after all that has happened.

He lifts the small boy up and carries him inside, making his way to his bedroom. He carefully places him in his bed and tucks him in. He is about to leave when he feels a loose grip on his wrist. "Please stay." Harry looks around and sees Louis, a soft smile spreading across his face, his eyes half open.

"It's the middle of the night Lou, go to sleep, I'll sleep on the couch yes?" Louis pouts. "I want you to stay here, the bed is big enough for the two of us." How could Harry say no to him?

He takes off his clothes and helps Louis with his until they are both in bed next to each other in only their undies.

Louis looks up at the ceiling as he says, "I may be high due to the anesthesia, but I like having you close to me Hazz. Thanks for you know, saving me." Harry smiles and closes his eyes. "Of cours! I'd do it again in a heartbeat, I like you, Louis."

"I like you very much, Harry."

"I like you more."

"I agree to disagree."

"We'll fight that out later, okay?"

"Very well." They both laugh and lie in silence for a while. Harry feels how Louis is tossing and turning on the bed. Without thinking, he grabs Louis's shoulder and turns him towards him, letting him rest his head on his chest.

Louis didn't protest and relaxed under his grip. Soon his breathing slows down and Harry knows he has fallen asleep.

He looks at Louis' sleeping silhouette and sighs. "Never thought this would happen, but I'm very happy about it." He whispers as not to wake up the sleeping boy next to him. He thought back to the conversations he and Louis had in the car, how loves photography, how he, Liam and Niall have been friends since they were only 6 years old, that they just finished high school and so much more.

Harry had told him about how he loves baking and styling clothes, how he is very close to his sister, the life of the fire service and of course his colleague and best friend, Zayn.

Louis had listened to him with very much interest and vice versa. Harry had asked him if they could do a photo shoot together soon with Louis as the photographer, and of course Louis immediately said yes.

He closed his eyes, thinking of Louis, the handsome boy in his arms. With a smile on his face he fell asleep thinking of places he wanted to show him when he felt better and of course he thought of where he would take that pretty boy on a date to...

Aaaah I'm writing hella fast and a lot I must say! 70 readers already, thanks! I appreciate all the support I can get! Do ya'll like the many updates throughout the day? Or want me to slow down? Let me know!

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