21: At ease

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After they read the story to their little girl, who was now fast asleep with the stuffie in her hand, Harry and Louis quietly made their way out of the room, leaving the door slightly open and making sure the nightlight at the hallway was on.

They went to their own bedroom and stripped down until both were just in their boxers.

They slid under the covers, Louis cuddling into Harry's side, kissing his chest.

"How do you feel?" He asked the curly haired lad.

Harry closed his eyes, placing his hand into Louis's hair, making circles on the scalp with his thumb.

"I feel amazing honestly, I never thought that this would happen, I mean I knew for a long time that I want children with you but you never know how it's gonna be like in real life, even though you have an idea formed into your head."

Louis hums, as he hugs Harry a bit tighter. "I get what you mean, it feels like yesterday that you resqued me, but it also feels like it was ten years ago, in a good way. I never thought it would turn out like this, but I'm happy it did." Harry kisses his lips softly.

"Exactly, I love you so much, Lou. I mean I feel complete having you by my side, but it feels like I'm even more complete right now, because we together made this step. Every step we take together makes me happy and reminds me of the fact I love you so much."

Louis chuckles. "I love you more, honey. We're complete now, our heart, soul and destiny are together as one. Couldn't wish for anything more or better, I've got all I need."

They talk some more, about their future, their daughter, their love for each other and so much more.

Neither of them knew they needed to be saved and in the end, they saved each other. Love is a feeling neither of them could describe, as powerful as it is. What they could describe is how they became one, their story and what their future will be like.

They fell asleep eventually, their bodies tangled into each other, cuddling like there was no tomorrow, both an eased mind and happy dreams.

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