9: You're mine, you know?

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"Harry?!" Louis half yelled, his eyes widened.

Harry smiled as Louis picked up the silver watch he got the boy. Louis was honestly speechless as he looked at it.

Harry carefully picked it out of Louis his hands and slipped it around his waist, making sure it wasn't too tight.

Louis flew into harry's arms and pulled him into a big hug. "Thankyou so much Hazz, it's- I don't know what to say, it's beautiful." He laughed before saying, "won't ever be late again for something now hm?" Harry kissed his cheek, chuckling.

"This watch is a special watch, it started ticking the second I put it around your wrist. It will always work, until the moment you die. It stands for the fact that you're alive and that your timeline goes on, with my by your side." He showed Louis his neck, revealing a necklace with a weird key on it. "This is the key that I used to make it work, it's connected to each other, just like we are."

A tear slipped down his cheek, he was so grateful for this gift! "Hazz it has such a beautiful meaning, I will always wear it and enjoy the time I got with you. I never really cared about time or what day it was, but you made me realise you have to make the best of your time because you can't go back, you have to move forward just like time does." Harry cupped his cheeks with his hands. "I love you Louis, I will love you as long as that watch is ticking and even after. Even when my timeline stops, I will never stop loving you, darling."

Louis nodded as they shared a passionate, delightful kiss. "I love you too, always have deep inside and always will. We're the cliché 'love at first sight', hm?" They both laughed, embracing each other tightly.

Not many words were shared, but words weren't needed. The feeling of love lingered in the air and that was enough, more than enough.

The rest of the evening they laughed, talked some and kissed some more, enjoying the picnic and each others presence.

What they didn't know is that Liam and Niall had called Zayn and the three of them were watching the lovers from behind a tree, all three their eyes full of happiness, they were happy for their best friends. After a while they left, letting the two lovers alone to enjoy the rest of their amazing, never to forget date...


Bit of a short chapter but it has so much power and love, I just felt that this chapter shouldn't be too long so I didnt.

They shared the three magic words and I almost cried writing this chapter and mostly because of the part with the reason behind the gift, found it so magical to write, no words.

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