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We are walking towards sebs trailer, Daisy is so in awe of everything she is walking around like a chicken with its head cut off, before I can stop her she walks right into the one person I was hoping to avoid.
"Amy? He questions as Daisy realised who it is and runs back to me. Curling into my side and gripping my T-shirt tightly.
Seb places his arm around me and Daisy in a protective way. Chris instantly catches it and I see the shock on his face. He looks down at Daisy and I see the emotion.
"What? I mean....."

"We are visiting Sebastian for a week or so on set"
"Right, you said that your fiancé was coming. I just didn't know.....does he know?"
"Yes. I told Seb everything" although he is talking to me his eyes haven't left daisy and I don't know if she is looking at him or not but I know she doesn't want to speak with him.
He crouches down and I see him offer Daisy a small smile "hi Daisy"
She shakes her head and turns to hold onto Seb, I see the hurt in chris eyes but what does he expect.
"I'll take her to the trailer, you okay here?"
I nod "im okay. I'll be there in a few minutes"
He nods and gives me a quick kiss before picking Daisy up and walking away.

Chris looks at them and I hear him sigh "she hates me"
I shake my head "she doesn't know you Chris, she just remembers you leaving her....a lot"
He nods "I know. I'm sorry Amy. For everything I put you through. It wasn't fair on you or her. But you look happy"
"I am. We are, she has a great life Chris. She is amazing in school, a wonderful little artist just like you and loves music. She's a happy little girl"
He nods "I should have been around. I'm.....sorry just doesn't seem to cut it you know"
I nod "you seem better?"
"I am. I got the help I needed, really figured things out"
"I'm glad"

I place my hand on my belly and notice chris looking "your pregnant?"
I nod "yeah. 14 weeks"
"Congratulations Amy. I'm happy for you. Seb seems like an amazing guy"
"He is. Thank you Chris and I hope us being here won't be awkward for you"
"No of course not."
"Well I better go to his trailer I'll see you around"
"Yeah" I don't get far when I hear him call me, I turn and he is rubbing his neck just like he used too when he was nervous.
"Do you think.....would you ever......could I...."
He stammers his way through but I get the gist of what he wants to ask.

"Chris, she's 10 years old. She has to make that decision I can't do that for her. You really hurt her so I don't know wether she would be willing too or not"
He nods "I understand. I just hope maybe one day she will forgive me"
"I don't know Chris. Don't loose hope, she is very forgiving"
"Just like her mother" he says and I can't help but smile at him.
"I'm always willing to forgive those who prove they deserve it"
He nods "thank you Amy"
He walks away and I let out a long breath before walking to the trailer, when I walk in I see Daisy with her tablet and her headphones. Seb walks over to me silently asking me if I'm okay. I nod and he wraps his arms around me, holding me close. That went better then expected but wether Chris is going to behave while we are here is another matter entirely.

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