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I'm now 30 weeks pregnant and life has gotten so crazy, since we released the statements there are paparazzi everywhere and we are beginning to feel like prisoners in our own home. Seb came home a few days after our phone call and he is stressed with how much media coverage is on all of this. He is worried for me, the baby and Daisy. Chris had to go home to Boston but he checks in everyday to see how we are doing.
"Come to Boston Amy"
"You, Seb and Daisy come to Boston, you know paparazzi aren't an issue here and it's your home. Just get away from the madness for a while"

"I don't know Chris, I'd have to talk to Seb first"
"Okay that's fine, just let me know okay?"
"Okay. Daisy come say bye to your dad"
She runs over and takes the phone from me before having a lengthy goodbye with Chris. I sit and think about what Chris has said, maybe going to Boston would be a good idea. It would be nice to go home, I haven't been back since I left and I know Lisa and everyone would be ecstatic to see us again. I hear the door open and slam closed, I walk into the kitchen and i see a very angry looking Sebastian standing there.

He looks up at me and offers me a small smile, I walk over and wrap my arms around him. He sighs and holds me close.
"What happened?" I ask in a hushed tone.
"Stupid paps everywhere, can't even get you coffee without them following me"
"I'm sorry baby"
"Hey" he cups my cheeks "it's not your fault, there just vultures"
I nod "well I might have a solution"
"Chris has asked us to go to Boston for a little bit. Get away from the mayhem here"

"Yeah. I mean it's my home might be nice to go back and see it. What do you think?"
"No paparazzi?"
I shake my head "paparazzi free"
"Then let's get packed and go. I'll book the flights, your on maternity. Let's go"
I can't help but giggle "okay, I'll call Chris and let him know and get Daisy packed"
"Okay honey. I love you"
"I love you too"
We rush around and get everything packed up. Seb books our flights and we head on out to the airport. By 10pm that evening we are on a flight to Boston and I can already feel the tension fading away.

Daisy is loving life, Seb booked us in first class and she is being treated like a princess. I have to be honest I've never felt more relax either, since becoming pregnant, I haven't really had a moment to myself and now I get to do that in the most comfortable way possible. A few hours later we are in Boston, chris has offered to come and get us, so we find him and seb grabs the bags.
"Hi dad" Daisy says as she runs to him. He picks her up and hugs her tight.
"Hi sweetheart. Hey Ams"
"Hey Chris, sebs just getting the bags"
"Okay, no worries. Get in and I'll help him"
I hug him "thank you chris for this"
He kisses my cheek and rushes off to find Seb, it felt good to be home.

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