Big news

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Chris POV

I'm nervous, Amy has asked me to meet her at the house her and Seb are currently renting, I'm worried because I think there going to tell me there going home. I've loved having Daisy here, getting to know her again and finally being the father she deserves, so if they leave now my heart would just be broken. As I walk in I see Daisy spinning around in the garden and Amy and Seb laughing. I also see tara standing with them as well.
"Hi guys"
I go over and kiss Amy and Tara on the cheek and shake sebs hand. Daisy runs over and hugs me.

"What's going on?"
"We have news chris"
"Okay? What is it? Are you guys leaving?"
Amy shakes her head and winks at Daisy. I feel her take my hand and she is smiling.
"Dad, we aren't leaving ever"
"What? What's does that mean?"
I look to Amy and I see tears falling down her cheeks "we are moving to Boston Chris, permanently"
"Seriously?" And she nods, I pick Daisy up and spin her around in a huge hug. She giggles and kisses my cheeks.
I walk over to Seb and Amy and hug them both.
"You both want this?"

Seb nods "we do, I've never felt so at peace before. I love Boston"
I smile "you have no idea how happy I am"
"Us too mate"
"Well we should celebrate"
"I can't I'm afraid" Tara says "I just came to let them sign the paperwork, I've gotta get back to the husband. Congratulations guys, I'll see you all soon"
She hugs us all and leaves the house, I turn to Amy and she is smiling so much.
"Your happy?"
"Beyond happy. Being back here just feels right Chris. The only thing I wish, is that me and seb could get married before the baby is born but I don't think we can pull that off. It's too much, with the move and everything"

I nod "you guys will be married soon, your meant for each other"
I hug her and I feel the baby kick me "I don't think they like me you know"
She laughs "well there going to have to learn uncle Chris"
"Yeah, we will be here permanently now so I think it's only right"
I smile "I'm so glad we've been able to work
This out Amy. I've got my best friend back, my daughter and I've gained another amazing friend in him. I'm so happy"
"Not to mention your girlfriend"

"Yes. Daisy has been telling me, all about the flirting and the kissing and..."
"Okay, yes Kelsey and I are very happy"
"Good. You deserve happy Chris"
I smile "we should call Ma and tell her"
"We should" Amy shouts for Seb and Daisy to come over so we can ring my mum. She answers straight away and I see Scott, Carly and Shanna there too.
"Hi all"
"Hey guys, what's up?"
"Well, Seb and I have some news"
"Yeah, would you guys be okay with sharing Boston with the Stan family?"
They all look a little confused until we hear my Ma squeal "your moving back here?"
Amy nods and we hear more screaming, before the Evans family decide to invite themselves over to Amy and Seb's house for an impromptu celebration. Life is perfect.

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