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When we get back to the house, I ask Daisy to go to her room so I can talk to Chris. I see the worry on his face and I can't help but laugh a little. As soon as daisy is in her room, he turns to me "I'm sorry Amy, I can tell her not to call me dad it's fine..."
"Woah hey! I'm happy she is comfortable enough to call you that Chris"
"You are?"
"Yes I am. Look I'm not going to lie to you when I first came to that set I was petrified about seeing you again, I was so scared you would be the same Chris we left and that Daisy would just end up being hurt again but then I realised your not him anymore. Your the Chris I first met, the great guy and now daisy is comfortable enough around you to see you as her dad again chris, that's more then I could ever have asked for"

I can see the tears fall down his cheeks and it makes me so emotional. I walk towards him
And hug him close.
"The way I treated you guys was beyond horrible and I never believed I would get another chance. Seeing you guys again with Seb just reminded me of what I lost and I knew I needed to make it up to you guys. I'm just so sorry Amy for everything"
"I know you are and you have made it up to us chris, you have been an amazing support for me, Seb and Daisy and even this little one. It's been nice to have my best friend back"
He smiles and I smile too. Because it's the truth being with this Chris again was like having my bestfriend back.

"What I wanted to talk about was the photos"
"I know, I'll contact my team see if we can..."
"Wait. Chris I don't mind people knowing we have a daughter"
"You don't?"
"No of course not but I would rather it be on our own terms then someone else's"
He nods "maybe we should call Seb and see what he thinks"
"I was just about to say that" I laugh and I grab my phone calling Seb.
"Hey baby, how is everyone?"
"We are good thanks handsome. Just miss you so much"
"I miss you all too"

"Chris is here" I turn the camera around so they can say hi "how was lunch?"
"It was good but we got interrupted by a guy with a camera"
"God! Is everyone ok?"
"Yeah we are. He seemed to know about Daisy and her being Chris's"
"He did? I didn't think anyone knew apart from family?"
"That's what we thought, so we wanted your opinion on what we should do"
"My opinion?"
Chris takes the phone from me "yes Seb, you've been a dad to Daisy for years, your opinion on this matters too"

I smile as he hands the phone back to me, I love the fact we are all getting along.
"Thank you Chris and I mean maybe we should get this out there before he does"
"That's what we thought too. Maybe you guys could contact your teams and we can realise a statement not just about Daisy and Chris but also about me and you Seb, finally confirming our relationship after all these years and telling everyone Im pregnant"
"That sounds great. I'll talk with Emily now"
"Ok, I'll talk with Megan and get this sorted and we can realise the statements at the same time"

"Okay then. I gotta go guys. I love you baby and please give Daisy a kiss for me"
"I will honey. Speak to you soon. I love you too"
We hang up and Chris takes a deep breath.
"This is really happening"
"It is"
He smiles "thank you Amy seriously for everything."
"Your welcome. Don't forget to let Kelsey know what the plan is"
"I'll go contact everyone now okay"
"Of course. Use the office is you want too"
He walks off and I get to cleaning up a little, I hear Daisy coming into the kitchen and she smiles up at me.
"Hi mum"
"Hi sweetie"
"Seb won't be mad I called Chris daddy right?"

I crouch down "of course not sweetheart, we are both so happy your reconnecting with him"
"Good. I just want Seb to know he is also my dad and maybe I could call him that if that's okay when you guys get married or maybe even before"
"We will talk with him when he gets back okay"
"Okay. I love you mummy"
"I love you too bumble bee"
She kisses my belly and places her ear against it "I love you too baby brother or sister"
"They love you more honey"
She walks off into the living room and I rub my belly as I feel my baby kick in response. We may not be a traditional family but we are a family none the less.

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