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A couple of months later

I'm now 28 weeks pregnant and I feel like a whale, Seb came home a few weeks ago but had to travel out to LA for a few last minute things so I've been home with Daisy alone. Thankfully chris is coming to visit today, he has some meetings in New York and Daisy has been going on and on about seeing him, so we are meeting for lunch. They have been getting so close recently and I'm loving it. Chris actually sat down with her and apologised for not being there for her, he explained everything to her and it seemed to make her feel better. I think she always believed that somehow it was her fault as to why he wasn't around.

We've have just arrived at the little cafe and I see Chris sitting outside waiting for us. Daisy runs over and gives him a hug. When I get to him, he places his hand on my bump and kisses my cheek.
"How are you?"
"No your not, you look beautiful"
"Thanks. I know your just saying that but thanks"
He laughs and we take a seat and order some lunch. Daisy is telling him all about school and what fun things she has been getting up too. Once she finally takes a break to eat her lunch, I smile at chris "she has missed you"
"I've missed her too"

"How's Kelsey?"
He laughs "she's good thank you. We've been getting to know each other and the fact she is from Boston is amazing. We've been on a few dates and yeah it's going well"
"Good I'm so happy for you. Your welcome by the way"
"No way are you taking credit for that. It was me and seb who did the work"
"No chance Evans! It's all down to me"
"What ever Richards. Speaking of Seb anyway when's he home?"
"Hopefully the day after tomorrow. He's getting frustrated with it all. We have a scan next week and he doesn't want to miss it. Plus we haven't even started on wedding planning yet. It's just been so busy."

"How's the hospital been?"
"They been amazing, taking care of me and everything. Making sure I don't over do it"
"Good I'm glad. Well I'm here for a few days so anything you need just let me know"
"Thanks Chris"
"Mummy can I go to the toilet"
"Yes but hurry back okay"
She nods and runs towards the toilet, she knows the owner and I see her waving hello to her as she goes in. After a few moments I notice Daisy still isn't back.
"Chris can you....." before I finish my sentence I see Daisy come running out crying.
Chris rushes to her and picks her up "sweetheart what's wrong?"

"That man was taking pictures and saying mean things"
I look over and see a scum bag reporter taking photos of us. Chris places Daisy down "go to the car Amy I'll be there in a second"
"Chris...." He turns and smiles "it's okay. Go"
I walk away, hoping Chris doesn't get into any trouble.

Chris POV

"What the hell do you think your doing?" I ask as I walk towards him.
"Nothing man"
"She is a child and you do not have permission to take her photo. That's illegal"
"What scared your secret daughter is going to be exposed mr Evans"
"I suggest you leave before I call the cops"
He laughs and walks away. I knew this would happen eventually I just hoped me and Amy and Seb could have had a conversation about it and dealt with it together. As I get to the car, I see Daisy upset in the back.

I get in and she crawls into my lap wrapping her arms around my neck.
"It's okay sweetheart he's gone okay" I feel her nod and then I hear her whisper "thank you daddy"
My heart right then and there could have stopped and I would have died a happy man. I look to Amy and she is crying too. That's the first time Daisy has called me daddy since her and Amy left all those years ago.
"Your welcome my little princess"
I hug her closer and smile as Amy places her hand on mine. It felt good to be called daddy again. My little girl back in my arms.

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