Welcome home

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After a much needed rest we decide to surprise Lisa and the family. Chris has gathered them all
At his home and we are going to turn up without them knowing. Luckily tara who is one of our good friends was able to find a house for us to rent out while we are here so we have our own space. As we pull up to Chris's house, a lot of memories come rushing back. Especially the bad ones. I know he isn't that man anymore but it's still hard sometimes.

I grab our stuff and we head on up to the house, Seb has text Chris and told him we are here. As we walk in, the place hasn't changed much. Apart from some paint here and there and a few pictures. It still smells the same, it smells like Chris. I had many good memories and bag memories in this house but I'm hoping the new memories we make will erase those from before.
We walk into the garden and I see everyone talking and laughing. I look at daisy and nod, we made a deal that she would announce us when we got here. Seb takes my hand and smiles down at me.

"Hi Everyone" Daisy shouts, all there heads turn and I hear a mixtures of what's, what the hell and omgs. I can't help but laugh as all the Evans family rush towards us, hugging and kissing all of us. I have hands on my stomach from every person in the garden, Daisy is being picked up and spun around by her uncles and Seb is being smothered in love by Lisa. She has always loved him ever since she first met him.
"Hi my sweet girl"
"Hi mama"
She hugs me close and I feel my tears start to fall.

"I can't believe your here"
"Me either. It's good to be home"
She smiles, after all the hellos we finally sit down and relax. It was so good to be back, Daisy was having a ball with Carly's kids, they have met before and they get along so well. Me and Seb have a 100 and 1 question thrown at us about the baby and about the wedding. We explain we just haven't had 5 minutes to plan anything yet. With the baby being so close now, we might have to wait till after the baby is born.

While everyone is talking, I take a walk down to the large oak tree that I used to sit under and read for hours. It was my safe space whenever I felt like I needed to escape the world, this is where I came. I feel a hand on my shoulder and as I turn I see Chris smiling at me.
"You okay?"
I nod "I am. Thank you for suggesting this. It was very much needed"
"Anytime Ams, this is your home. You missed it?"
He says looking over at the tree and I laugh "I didn't realise how much till now"
"Your more then welcome to use it while your here"

I nod "I might just do that"
We turn and see Daisy and seb playing with Scott and Steve.
"He is amazing with her"
I look up at Chris and smile "he really is"
"Did she ever have that conversation with him
About calling him dad too?"
I shake my head "we never got the chance. Things have been so hectic"
I sigh "I'm worried Chris"
"About what?"
"What if she feels left out when this baby comes?"
"Amy that won't happen. She has a huge family to fall back on. You have a huge family to help
You, I don't just mean us either. You have sebs mum and step dad too. She won't ever feel left out no matter what"

"It feels good to be back here and have you back in my life chris"
"It really does Ams"
"Come on let's go eat, I'm starving this baby is so hungry"
He laughs "let's go"
He holds his arm out for me, I laugh and take it while he escorts me back to the top of the garden and most importantly to all the food.

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