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We've been here a little longer then planned, I don't want to leave Sebastian and I know it's because of the pregnancy and I'm hormonal I just hate not being with him. Work have been so understanding and I have a lot of holidays I've racked up so there happy for me to take my time luckily. Daisy has been more open to speaking with Chris which I wasn't expecting, when he helped her find me she was so thankful and even made him a thank you card. I knew it was making Chris happy that she was willing to talk to him now.

Today is a rare day off for Seb and he wants to take us all out for lunch. We've just got to the restaurant and I see Chris walking down the street. He stops and smiles at us "hey"
"Hey guys, day off Seb?"
"Yeah you too?"
"Something about technical issues, I don't know just happy to have a bit of time away"
"Hi Chris" I hear as Daisy stands next to him. He smiles down at her.
"Hi sweetheart, you okay?"
She nods "going to get burger and fries with mummy and Seb"
"Sounds yummy"

"It's my favourite food. Do you want to come eat with us?"
He looks up at me and Seb slightly panicked by her request. Before I can say anything Seb answers "yeah, come and have lunch with us"
"Are you sure? I don't want to get in the way"
Daisy takes Chris's hand and pulls him towards the restaurant, I can't help but laugh "I don't think you have much choice"
He walks in with Daisy, while I take sebs hand in mine and pull him towards me. I pull his lips down to mine and kiss him deeply. As we pull away he smiles.
"What was that for?"
"For being an amazing man, you didn't have to do that"

"I know but Daisy seems more open to getting to know him and I won't come between her and her dad babe"
"I know. Have I told you lately how much I love you?"
"Mmmmm you may have but I'm always happy to hear it again"
He pulls me closer and kisses me softly.
"I love you more then you will ever know Mr Stan"
"I love you too soon to be Mrs Stan"
I giggle, I love hearing that. We walk in and I see Daisy and Chris sitting down at the table, Daisy talking his ear off about something.
"Hey munchkin"
She looks up at me and smiles "take a breath"
She giggles and we all get comfortable and order our food.

Chris leans over to me while Seb is talking to daisy "thank you for this"
"Chris if she is happy to get to know you and you promise not to hurt her again, I don't mind doing this at all"
"Your an amazing mother Amy and an amazing woman. Sebastian is a lucky man"
"Thank you Chris. There is a woman out there for you, your perfect woman. You'll find her"
"I hope so."
"You will. Chris I've only been around you for a few weeks and I can already see the difference in you. Your a new person, you deserve to have that big family you always wanted"
"Thanks Amy"
We continue eating and having a chat, Seb and Chris talking about work, Daisy chewing there ears off about nothing in particular. I sit here watching there interactions and I can't help but smile. I hope Chris can keep his promise, because I like this.

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