Chapter 18

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Quitting my job was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I couldn't explain precisely why I was leaving to my boss. The poor man even offered to give me a raise.

I took the coward's way out and left a letter to each patient under my care. Making sure to tell Macey's parents myself, they were heartbroken.

I arrived at the cafeteria looking absolutely defeated.

 Harlan said nothing as he gave me a Snickers bar. I think that even though he had many things to say, he was having a hard time expressing how he felt.

He finally talked as we walked toward my car. 

"We're returning soon," he announced, but there was still one thing  I had to do before I left Vancouver.

"How soon?" I asked looking at the ground.

"Tomorrow, I want to avoid being here on the full moon."

"Then there is something I have to do," I said as I tossed the keys to my Kia.

"I figured," he tossed the keys back "I brought my own car, text me when you're done."

"Why can't I just call you?" I asked, curiosity striking at an odd time.

"You can call me when it's an emergency," Harlan said.

I had no idea those last words would save my life.


I started driving without my GPS, I didn't need it, I'd made this trip a thousand times. I was normally very bad at routes, and I usually had no idea where I was. But this route, I knew perfectly. I made the usual stop at the flower shop and bought pink carnations. Then I got in the car and drove for the remaining fifteen minutes.

I had done this a thousand times, and every time it was equally as painful.

"Hey Nana," I said as I placed the flowers on her grave. She liked carnations because of what they represented. She was well-versed in Voodoo practices. Or was it Hoodoo? I never could understand the difference no matter how many times she explained.

Sometimes I wish my grandma could answer me as she used to.

'Dede, watch the candles!' she said a tad too late as I closed the door swiftly.

'Sorry, hey Nana' I walked over and placed a kiss on her head.

'It's okay dear, how was your day?' she finished praying and turned around giving me a kiss on the forehead.

'Awful, Nathan broke up with me.' I rested my head on her shoulder. Nathan was my boyfriend in high school.

'Yes! I never did like that guy, never deserved you, far too pretty for him,' she stroked my hair as I whined. 'Are you okay Dede?'

'No' I answered, on the verge of tears.

'Sometimes  things happen because they have to, change is good.'

Those words resonated with me all throughout my life, change is good. It wasn't always true but the way she thought of it, eventually things would work out.

"If I tell you what happened to me you would probably believe it" I mused with a smile. "But I honestly have no idea where to begin or how to explain." I sat down in the grass, my jeans were still wet but I couldn't have cared less. "I guess I'm a werewolf now, God. It sounds even stupider when said out loud" I snorted. "I had to quit my job because I might be a danger to society, I'm going to go live with some people in the mountains, who I'm still concerned might be a cult." I sighed.

"Then there's this guy, his name is Harlan and he's a jerk, they sent him with me to make sure I don't eat anyone," I start laughing a little. "But he's handsome, and today he's been kind-- I know I have a bad track record, but I truly don't think I'll fall for him" I had no idea why I was talking about Harlan so I changed the subject. "Are you happy? Did you find my parents? Are they happy? God, now that I know werewolves exist I wonder if there is such thing as heaven..."

"Wouldn't it be so great if there was? It means I could see you again" I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. "I know I say this a lot but I miss you, I wish you were here to guide me. But I promise I'll live my own life now Nana, I'll be happy." I didn't know if that was true but I hoped it was. I stayed with her a little longer. Imagining she was holding me as I cried and cried.

After visiting my parents' graves and telling them to take care of Nana, I drove back to my apartment. I was emotionally drained and needed rest, but I also needed a drink and I was out of wine.

I changed clothes to some dry ones, putting on jeans and a blouse as I grabbed my purse. I walked for a while until I found a decent-looking place. I honestly didn't care as long as it had alcohol.

I walked in and as soon as I did the vibe felt strange, felt wrong. I pushed past it as I approached the bar and ordered a beer. I didn't really like beer but I still found myself craving one. 

The bartender gave me my drink and I tried to drink it without turning around, I knew someone was watching me- I was used to it, people stared for multiple different reasons. I tried my best to avoid turning around, minding my own business hoping so would they.

The music was loud and the place was filled with writhing sweaty bodies. All wearing revealing outfits. I felt extremely out of place but I would soon leave, I just needed a drink or two. 

I ordered another beer and drank it, the music - mixed with the alcohol- put me into some sort of daze that made my feelings go numb. I shouldn't be alone here. I knew that. I decided I should at least tell Harlan where I am.

I took out my phone and realized I had no signal. Maybe leaving was the best option, I didn't feel safe here. Something inside me was telling me to go. This time I listened. And as I paid for my drinks I headed out, phone in hand. Clicking on Harlan's number.

I didn't care that he told me not to call him if it wasn't an emergency. I had a really weird feeling someone was following me. I turned around a corner and just as I managed to click the call icon I felt someone grab me from behind and pull me into a dark alley.

I dropped my phone on the ground and screamed as he covered my mouth. It was a middle-aged man that smelled like cigarettes and mold. "Stop squirming, bitch." Someone said, but it wasn't him.

There were more, three at least. God, this was how I was going to die. I looked around as they pinned me to the wall, I was sobbing at this point. 

 I wish Harlan was here.


I blinked and they were gone. Harlan was crouching next to me, covered in blood.

What was going on? I looked around, still hysterically crying as he hugged me.

Two dead bodies, I was huddled in a corner. Harlan wasn't the only one covered in blood.

"It's okay, you're safe" he whispered as he drew calming circles in my back and I hugged him back, feeling instantly safer.

Did he kill them? What the fuck was going on? 

"It's okay, they can't hurt you now," his voice was soft and sweet. He spoke to me as I spoke to Macey today. And I did feel safe with him, but I had to ask.

"Did you--" he interrupted me and said words that would haunt me forever.

"Only one," I felt the floor sinking as I remembered what happened.

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