Chapter 65.

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H a r l a n

As soon as the party ended the alphas requested a meeting with Damien to talk about the current rebel situation. It was a sad thing because at least ten of the twenty people present had parents who had joined the rebellion, and that was without counting Everest, Coraline, and Elowen's parents.

"Their forces are rallying," Coraline said, sitting next to her mate in the dining room. 

"Weird things have been happening in our neighboring towns" Kyle, one of the American alphas said "Josh and I have been doing our best to keep track of them, but they always move between Canada and America" Selene, who usually liked to remind people from the US that America was a continent, not a country, seemed to be so focused and worried she kept her mouth shut.

"What weird things?" Diana asked, and Harlan could burst with pride seeing her take charge like that.

"Sudden disappearances of young adults," Josh, Kyle's mate said "We have no idea why they take them, but they do."

Josh and Kyle were one of those couples that looked weirdly similar. They had the same dark brown eyes and black hair.

"That's weird, they should know how to be able to keep their tracks covered," Blaze mused, blowing his hair out of his face.

"Unless they are growing more desperate," Ambrose said and Violette nodded her head at that.

"But why would they mess with the humans?" Anna, the only other female alpha said as she scratched the back of her exposed neck. She had a similar short haircut to the one Arden was currently sporting but her hair was originally blonde.

"They are obviously planning something, they know something we don't," Elowen said "And we better find out soon or all of our lives will be at risk."

"We all have one thing in common, we want to protect the people that we love" Damien started "So any news we get, we will tell all of you, we expect the same"

"Yes alpha," Everyone in the room said at the same time.

The reunion lasted a bit more as they discussed tactics and other important business before they all returned to the rooms Selene had assigned them.


As soon as he and Diana arrived at their rooms she spoke "Did you have fun?"

He smiled "At the reunion?" She rolled her eyes and he spoke again "Yes, it was great."

She nodded "I'm glad" Diana walked towards her jewelry box and took off all of her accessories without saying another word.

"Are you okay?" Harlan sensed there was something wrong with her, something that bothered her.

Diana sighed, weighing if she should tell him or not as she sat on the bed.

He walked over and crouched between her legs, placing his hands on her knees "Hey," he said softly "What happened?"

She didn't really seem upset, just troubled.  "It's just..."  she looked him in the eye "Do wolves usually get married?"

Harlan stayed silent for a moment, processing what she meant. He eventually gave up as he said "Not usually," he paused "Why?"

"But Selene and Damien did, right?" she was still not answering his question.

"Yes?" he said confused. 

She then stayed silent for a moment as she said "Could we?"

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