Chapter 24

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H a r l a n

The attack had been too sudden for even him to predict, he told himself. But he knew that she had distracted him, he had lowered his guard. The blame was on him.

He tried to get to her, to protect her, but there were too many wolves in the way. He was going to kill them all, he knew he could do it once he made sure she was safe. Maybe, if he created a distraction, she would be able to run away. 

He kept killing them as fast as he could but his mind wasn't completely there. And then he realized neither was she. It was a small distraction, but the seconds it took them to decide who would stay and who would leave were fatal to most of them. He killed them faster this time, desperate to go find her and make sure she was safe.

Three wolves had gone after her, too many. His worry fueled him as he continued attacking the remaining wolves and let out a howl. He was close enough to the pack house, they would definitely hear him.

Harlan couldn't care less about his wounds, no matter how deep and painful they were, he needed to find her. That was the only thing his wolf was saying.

Find her.

And he would. He limped as he turned back into his human form and walked over to the car to get some clothes from his bag. He could track her better as a wolf but he was afraid he'd lose control and do something he might regret.

His inner wolf was obsessed with her for some reason, the last thing he wanted to do was scare her off. 

He tracked her as fast as he could, his wounds impeding him from going faster. The pain was almost unbearable, he knew he had a few broken ribs and very deep gashes in his legs. His back had a gnarly bite and his head was bleeding. But he was alive, and she may not be.

She couldn't be dead, he had a feeling he would know it if she was. But she could be badly hurt and dying. And it was all because of him. He'd failed to protect her, as his father always said he would.

"You'll never be anything other than completely useless" he'd uttered once, the words having the same effect they did at that time.

He always feared he was right about him, always wondered what he saw in him he hated so much. He never knew he didn't deserve any of it.

But none of it mattered, he had to keep going. 

He was dizzy from the blood loss but he managed to get to the end of her trail. her scent changed, morphed into something else. And it was until then he noticed the full moon above.

"Damn it!" he ran as fast as he could, knowing he no longer could do this by himself.

He almost fainted as he got to the pack house.

"Harlan!" Selene said as she rushed to his side. "Are you okay"

"Diana" was all he could say.

"She's okay," a voice he hadn't heard in a long time said. He looked up to see a tall and very muscular man. A man he had seen before.

"Blaze?" Harlan said, surprised to see his friend.

"I found her in the woods, she managed to kill one of them, I took care of the rest," the gamma said calmly and Harlan examined him to see if he had any wounds. He'd been away with Arden and Elowen, were they back too? 

"Where is she?" he asked, his voice filled with agony. She was more important.

"You should rest, let Callum take care of--" Selene intervened only to be interrupted.

"I asked a question," Harlan said in a demanding tone. Selene was about to snap at him but Blaze spoke faster.

"I'll take you to her," Blaze helped his friend get up. He had a lot of questions for the blonde, but he could ask later, right now the only thing he cared about was making sure she was safe. "Are you okay?" his brown eyes examined him and Harlan could only nod.

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