Chapter 66

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Violette appeared four weeks after she said she'd be back in a 'jiffy'. And requested an immediate reunion with all of us, wasting absolutely no time. She waltzed into the studio wearing a Prada nylon midi dress in black. The cleavage was deep and I think this time Blaze was openly staring.

"How are you?" Selene asked. And it was then I noticed Violette's terrified expression. 

"I'm sorry" she started by saying "I had to go into hiding, it seems my spies were discovered and promptly executed" She placed a hand on her chest, trying to catch her breath. "My father is very aware of exactly what is happening, but whatever it is he wants to keep it behind closed doors."

"So you didn't find out anything?" Elowen asked.

"Only that Selene was correct, they are using the kidnapping victims as soldiers," I think I audibly gasped, this was bad. "It seems they have found a way to make the half-lings survive their initial tribulations" she sighed "I just don't know how."

A beat of silence.

And then a dark shadow appeared in the room, filling me with despair and loneliness.

"Well, my dear," a voice rang around the room. A voice I still sometimes heard in my nightmares. "You're lucky I do." The air was tense, filled with immense pressure as the scent of sulfur hit my nostrils.

It was as if time had slowed down as if the world was holding its breath. He appeared, as beautiful as ever but just as deadly. And this time I was close enough to truly see him.

His eyes were as blue as the sky and the ocean, so mesmerizing I thought somehow he had managed to trap the rage of a storm in them. His hair was black and fluffy, messy but perfect at the same time. He had strong brows that framed perfectly that seductive gaze that he seemed to be born with. His face was a perfect v and his lips were full and inviting. This man was so gorgeous I couldn't believe he was a demon based on his appearance alone.

"Andras" Violette gasped and he smiled. Everyone was frozen on the spot except for Blaze, who launched into attack mode but was easily avoided as Andras simply appeared on the other side of the room with a smug smile "Well, well, I'm only here to offer my help." Harlan stepped closer to me as he surveyed him.

He was dressed in a black shirt and leather jacket, black jeans, and combat boots. Wearing a cross as an earring and a long chain on the other ear. He was still wearing that strange necklace but I now noticed he was also wearing a strange ring. Black with an inscription I couldn't discern. The material was glittering and constantly moving as if it was alive.

"We don't need your help," Blaze growled.

"Ouch," he said pretending to be hurt, his accent similar to Violette's. "Are you sure you don't want to know what I know?"

"Unlike the little vampire, we are not dumb enough to make a deal with a demon," Elowen said through her teeth, being careful not to move.

But it was Violette who said, "What do you know?" as she came closer no matter how much Blaze glared at her.

His eyes shifted colors as she came approached, turning blue-green "Nice to see you, little fox" he looked amused, and Violette just stared at him.

There was so much tension there I could cut it with a knife. "Violette come here" Blaze warned.

"He won't hurt me" She looked at Blaze. "He can't, we have a deal," she said looking into his now brown eyes. And he stared back at her with an 'Are you sure?' expression

I looked at Harlan 'Why do his eyes change color?' I said through our wolf telepathy, he had taught me how to use it in the last few weeks.

'I have no idea' he responded.

"So, little fox, do you want to know what I came here to tell you?" he didn't look the tiniest bit intimidated that he was surrounded by very powerful wolves, but then again his dark energy emanated out of him and it felt like pure despair.

"Violette, don't" Harlan warned.

But she ignored us all as she said "What do you want?"

"Nothing, I just wish to bring forward the date of our departure" he mused now looking at Blaze who was growling. She thought about it for a moment and nodded.

 "Interesting," he added and Blaze looked at him with pure hatred. He seemed extremely amused at that. 

In what I can only guess was an effort to piss him off he lowered his head and whispered something to Violette while not breaking eye contact. He was at least a head taller than her, and Violette was wearing heels, she always wore heels.

"Stay away from her!" Blaze grunted, and I realized he couldn't move, and neither could I. I didn't know because I wasn't trying to. I glanced at everyone else, they too, couldn't move at all.

Andras smiled at his reaction as he pulled away from Violette and she looked into his eyes with uncertainty.

"Are you sure?" she asked and he nodded.

"Well, as delightful as this visit has been, I am afraid it is now over" he gently lifted up Violette's chin as he said to her "Do refrain from breaking your promise, darling." I glanced at Blaze whose hands were shaking as he closed his fists as much as he could.

"When have I ever?" she responded with a sly smile.

And he smiled back, placing a soft kiss on her forehead before he vanished. 

Such a gesture might have been considered sweet, but I had a feeling it was quite the opposite. It was a promise.

As soon as he left and his power disappeared Blaze ran to Violette making sure she wasn't hurt "What were you thinking?" he growled.

"I think it is time you tell us what the deal you made with him was about," Elowen said crossing her arms with distaste written all over her face.

"It doesn't matter," Violette said "What matters is that we now know what we needed to."

"You shouldn't have done this for us," Selene walked over.

"I didn't," she glanced at Blaze for a brief moment, less than a second. Had I not been staring at her intently I might have missed it "The point is, the rebels have indeed discovered how to make a half-ling survive"

Damien, who hadn't spoken in a while asked "How?"

"They are picking people with magic already in their bloodlines" she explained "Raw magic, or magic that doesn't manifest in a way the person can use it" Everyone looked at me.

"It makes sense," Selene said "Diana had witches in her family but never used magic herself."

"The more magic a person possesses the most increase in their chances at surviving," Violette said "But that is not all."

Arden looked at her with worry as she said "They are planning an attack?"

"Yes, but first they will increase their numbers by tenfold, it will take them at least six months, but just as the moon reaches its highest peak, they will come and devastate the lands."

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