Chapter 35

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H a r l a n

He woke up again, in the middle of the night, covered in a cold sweat. The figures in his nightmares were still visible despite his open eyes.

He sat on the edge of the bed, running his hands through his moist hair. 

That wasn't real, he was safe.

He kept repeating that to himself over and over again, turning it into a mantra.

Once he was able to ground himself he thanked the goddess Diana hadn't heard him this time. He'd have to lie to her again. It wasn't like he wanted to, he just couldn't talk about it yet.

But he was better, he was trying, because he wanted to be better for her, because maybe he'd deserve her. He shook his head, eliminating those thoughts from his head.

 She wanted to be friends. Only friends. She'd made that clear.

He needed a shower. It would help him relax.

He walked into the bathroom only to feel a presence.

He spotted her seconds before she spoke in her London accent. "Why so broody?" Violette said from the empty marble tub. Still fully clothed in a red mini skirt and a black long-sleeve blouse. 

It was hard to tell when a vampire was near, they had no natural scent. The only thing she smelled like was an expensive perfume. It had undertones of amber and some exotic sweet flowers.

"Why are you here?" He couldn't even pretend to be nice to her right now. Or ever. Not when he knew she was faking it too.

"The new moon's tomorrow, thought you might need my help," She said getting out of the tub, her black heels clicking against the cold surface.

"Why are you in my room?" Harlan specified.

"You were having a nightmare" she declared "I can control dreams, thought I could help." Her red mouth curled into an innocent smile.

"I didn't need your help."

"Hence why I decided to wait in the tub while you woke up on your own." She swished her hair back.  He pushed his annoyance back and reminded himself this woman was here to help. And most importantly, that they needed her help.

"Did you need to say something to me?" he said after taking a deep breath.

"The rebels are already on their way, no vampires this time, not that you'd be intimidated," she said knowingly. A werewolf could kill every supernatural creature. Especially witches and demons. Those died almost instantly.

"But just in case I brought you this," she moved her hand, and from the shadows manifested a little pouch. "It's wild rose, you can dip your weapons into it," she thought about it for a moment "Or your teeth I guess..." 

 "Anything else?" he grabbed it.

Her smile disappeared and her eyes became vacant for a moment before she turned around "You will regret keeping a part of you from her, I know I did" was all she said before she dissolved into shadows.


Harlan wondered about what Violette said for the rest of the night. And he had so many questions he couldn't stop staring at her during breakfast. 

He was glad to see he wasn't the only one.

"Didn't know vampires ate food" Diana said surprisingly from her seat next to Harlan.

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