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She waited patiently until Diana and Harlan left for their honeymoon to make her announcement. She didn't want to spoil their happiness and hated the thought she eventually would.

But she needed to say it, needed to get it out of her chest. And she would hurt them all, especially him, for some reason she didn't want that. 

She thought back to the night she found out her mother was dead.

"Leave," she said, her voice tired. She didn't have the energy to do their amusing little dance.

"Not until you tell me what happened," Blaze said, so determined.

"Blaze, please, I'm tired," she said, this time she wasn't in the mood to fight with him or even pretend she didn't want to fuck his brains out.

"You have bruises around your neck, who did that?" His anger should have moved her because it meant he cared, but she knew that. She'd always known that.

"Please leave Blaze." She looked at the ground, she was begging at this point. But she also wanted him to stay.

"Vi," she flinched at the new nickname "Something happened, you need to talk to someone or it's going to eat you up."

She had no will to resist any longer so she spoke she told him everything and when she was done she didn't know what to expect of him, wasn't sure what he would do.

She never would have guessed it as he pulled her into his arms. A place she'd never been before, but a place she felt she belonged in. "I'm sorry" he whispered, and she broke down crying for what felt like hours.

He never let go, not even as she fell asleep. They woke up together and never spoke about it again but she could feel how something shifted between them. She knew she felt something for him, she knew he felt it too. So it made it harder for her to say what she had to say.

Even as she buried the corpses of Dahlia and Lily, he'd come to her.

She was staring at her younger sisters as they lay dressed in white, heads separated from their bodies. Pale as they had always been, the magic in their blood still thrumming, hoping it would be able to heal them.

She wouldn't allow that. Not as she started putting iron nails through their bodies. Not as she chained them to the coffin, not as she put iron pebbles on their mouth and staked their hearts for good measure.

"Hey," she'd heard him coming from a mile away.

"Hello," she responded, faking a smile as she tried to avoid the sight of what she had done. She struggled with it. But it was the right thing to do.

"Are you okay?" He said as he stood next to her, surveying her work.

"Fabulous," she responded, turning to look at him "Why?"

"Because they were your sisters, as evil as they were."

"It's fine, we fought a lot" she lied, it wasn't fine.

"So do Callum and I, and it would destroy me if I ever had to hurt him" he shrugged "Don't tell him."

"Callum is a good person, the twins never were"  Violette smiled nostalgically "From the moment they were born, they brought havoc and destruction to the world, it was amusing."

"I'm sorry anyway," he said, and she appreciated it.

"Well I am not" she forced herself to look away "They killed my sister, they got what they deserved." She'd keep telling herself that until she believed it.

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