Chapter 23: Faith, but no peace

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Several minutes before, Holy Spirit College Preparatory Academy....

"I can't reach him. Dammit!" Officer Abernathy said frustrated. He couldn't believe his luck. He'd been calling Luca all morning, with no avail. "Goes straight to voice, boss!"

He walked side by side with Sergeant Garcia, who with two more officers, arrived at the catholic school. Garcia was very reluctant, but his hands were tied. Two more shootings last night got top officials downtown rattled, and his unit had to react now. The DA's (district attorney's) office pushed the arrest warrant forward, disregarding the lack of information or evidence. They figured the public would calm down once they saw someone arrested, once the police had some kind of solid lead -or at least present a convincing front!

The officers made their way to the administration office where the paperwork was presented and three teenagers were called upon. Everyone got busy trying to locate the parents, which seemed more like a mission than anything. After several tries, the school office was finally able to contact two of the arrested parties, except for one: Matthew J. Kay.

All three boys were called to the principal's office, asked to put their hands behind their backs and to wait in separate rooms, while officials got a hold of their parents. Two meeting rooms were used plus an empty classroom. Garcia decided to hold off on the handcuffs until the parents arrived and they escorted them to the cars. Meanwhile, the search for Matthew's parents continued.

"Matthew?" called the leading officer. The young man held his hands behind his back as ordered before. He lifted his gaze to Sergeant Garcia, "Listen, I can't get a hold of your parents, but...your counselor will meet us in my office."

With teary eyes and a nervous jaw, Matthew turned to the older gentlemen, "Am I really arrested?"

Sigh. "Yes....but, I'll try to hold off processing as much as I can."

The teen lowered his gaze and whispered, "Mom"

"Her phone is turned off." the officer said, approaching him slowly. Garcia went ahead and sat in the desk next to him, taking a long deep breath. "Do you have any idea where she might be?"

Matthew nodded his head very slowly. "Midterm."

"Ok, well, I'll try to find your father, but he might be in training or-"

 The teenager took a long breath, then interrupted saying "Funeral"

Meanwhile, Mary Magdalene Lady of Faith Cathedral...

"Yo!" called an angry youngster from one side of the street. "Punk!"

A group of young teenagers was approaching the sidewalk, right around the corner. They wore jeans, black shirt, black hoodies. All hands were placed inside of their pants, moving in a sequenced motion, slightly tilted to one side. One of them separated from the group and stood by the corner, waiting for the light to change so he could cross and say a couple of words in response. On the other side of the street were three young boys, all of whom turned their heads when they saw their rivals approaching.


The church bells sounded loudly, marking the middle of the day. The pastor wrapped up his sermon, as the choir began one final tune. Sergeant Harrelson and Sergeant Kay sat in the last row, having paid their respects for the deceased several minutes before the short proceeding began. The small cathedral was packed, as people occupied every free space in the banquets. They hummed and sang along, while some sobbed and stared. The ceremony was short, allowing some to direct a eulogy or short farewell messages to the family.

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