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third person

the two best friends are walking down the hallway

chongyun removed his popsicle from his mouth "mmm- you made the audition right?" he asked

"yeah what about it?" the blonde replied

"aren't you trying to get in the basketball team?" chongyun asked

aether stopped in his tracks "AH! oh my god! I completely forgot!! shit." aether bit his nails

"don't tell me......" chongyun looked at aether in a disappointed expression

aether panicked even more "isn't the try outs today????!" aether made little jumps showing his panicking

chongyun mumbled "kangaroo" the boy giggled

"well what are you waiting for? run." chongyun crossed his arms

the blonde ran through the hallway as fast as he can. the blonde soon arrived at the basketball court and quickly went to the back of the line for basketball tryouts

ae panted and almost fell to the ground trying to catch his breath

"aether!!" a familiar voice shouted the  blondes name

the blonde turned around and was met by one of his bandmates

"ah! heizou.. how are you?" the blonde greeted with a smile

heizou leaned in " hello ae~" heizou giggled

"ae?" the blonde tilt his head in confusion

"it's a nickname I made especially just....... f~o~r~ you!" heizou smirked

"whats the catch?" the blonde cross his arms

heizou scratch the back of his head
"ha... was I too obvious? hehe"

"yep" the blonde nodded

"well since you know then help me get kazuha's no. hehe" heizou smiled

aether looked at him with a disappointed expression  "ahh... disgusting........"

"oh come on don't be like that! I'll guarantee you a spot in the team" he pleaded

the blonde flip his hair "hmp. no thank you. I'm confident that I can get a position in the team without your help"

"my my what confidence" heizou giggled

heizou smiled "lets make a bet then. if you fail to get in the team. I get my beloved kazuha's no."

aether raised a brow "what's in it for me?"

"I won't leak the video of you moaning in xiao's arms in the bathroom" heizou grinned

aether's eye widened and is in absolute shock

aether never nodded in his life so fast

"haha that's what I thought" heizou chuckled

"NEXT!" the coach shouted and that's when the blonde knew it was his turn

"just dribble around this obstacle and shoot at the very end" the coach instructed aether

"just breathe in and out" aether thought

the coach whistle was blown and thats when the blonde boy started his tryout he was doing great. he passed the dribbling test as long as the speed test but he still has not passed the aim test

"just gotta make this shoot! whoo! just have to make it" aether thought and shooted the ball. the ball went in the hoop and aether passed the test

the coach blew his whistle and every people trying out was in a 3 straight line "OKAY NEW COMERS Y'ALL DID WELL BUT THREE PEOPLE STOOD OUT THE MOST AND THOSE PEOPLE ARE TIGHNARI, CYNO , AND THAT BLONDE BOY IN THE BACK OF THE LINE. CONGRATS FOR PASSING" the coach yelled

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