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"AETHERR! WHAT TIME IS IT WHERES EVERYONE???" venti whine as he shake aether's body

"it's only 6:00 stop whining" he replied rolling his eyes

"but I invited everyone to come at exactly 5:50" venti whined looking at aether with teary eyes

"ptff-" aether chuckled and avoided venti's gaze

"what's so funny....." venti whined as he repeatedly pull aether's braid

"ack! Oww! YOU DRUNKARD STOP PULL- ACK! PULLING MY HAIR!" aether yelled as he tries making venti let go of his hair

"why do you look like an ugly rat?" Venti whined as he pulls aether's braid

"stop pulling my hair!" aether demanded and bit venti's hand

"OUCH!" venti whined in pain

"You dare bite king barbatos!" venti yelled and attacked aether

"stop suddenly roleplaying archons" aether yelled and attacked venti

the two went on and on attacking each other

kazuha arrived and opened the door just to see the two attacking each other. He ignored the two and sat down to watch them fight

Heizou, xiao, and scara soon arrived and did the same

"do you think they know we're here?" heizou asked as he eats popcorn while watching the two

"probably not" scara answered

"I wonder how long they can keep this up" kazuha said facepalming

"a long time" xiao said while watching the two bite each other

kazuha and xiao stared at each other

"It's probably time to intervene" the two suggest

scara and heizou nodded

"I'll stop aether......" kazuha and xiao both said

xiao glared at kazuha

"Okay fine! I'll stop venti" kazuha chuckled

Xiao pulled aether away from venti by  pulling the blonde by the waist into his arms meanwhile kazuha grabbed venti's shirt stopping him from attacking the other

the two's expression was like this when they're fighting was stopped
:( ╹▽╹ )

the two scanned the room only to realize that everyone was already there

the two stared at each other and began to laugh

"i can't believe everyone's here and we didn't even noticed" venti said laughing

"for real" aether chuckled

"I can't believe I couldn't notice them because your ugly face was in the way" aether chuckled

"Ah... how.. MEAN!" venti said dramatically as he fake sob

Aether chuckled

(At venti's room)

"Let's play cards!" Venti said with an eager smile as shows the cards back

"Nah. Poker is boring" scara groaned

Venti grinned "who told you this was a normal card game ", then showed the cards content

"It's just a-" Heizou's eyes widened when he saw the cards content which made everyone curious

Scara grabbed a card "why do you look like that. it's only a-" his eyes widened and got flustered

Aether took a card and stared at it. Making his face flush.

"VENTI WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT'S UP WITH THIS PERVERTED CARD GAME OF YOURS??!" aether yelled as his face grew brighter

Venti tilted his head mockingly "what do you mean ehe~" and stuck his tongue out

Kazuha cleared his throat "I think it's umm... Worth trying...." and stared at aether

aether gave kazuha a disgusted look

"Let's vote then. raise your hand if you want to play and don't if u don't want to~" venti said smiling innocently

the five stared at each other for a minute

kazuha raised his hand while clearing his throat
Venti did the same with a proud smile
heizou raised his hand slowly as his face go red
xiao raised his hand with no expression whatsoever

venti chuckled "it's two against one athy~" he said smiling

Aether stared at venti then stared at scaramouche "you're not gonna raise your hand too. Are you?" He said with a disappointed face

scara's brows furrowed "ofcourse not! I'm not some pervert like those 4."

Aether sighed in relief "good... I thought I was the only sane one here."

"Oh well~, you have no choice. It's 4 against 2 afterall" venti smiled

Aether and scara groaned "fineee.."

venti clapped and stood up "I'll go get something, wait for me okay?" he said grinning

Kazuha nodded. Soon venti came in hugging 6 bottles of wine

"What the hell.........." aether mumbled

venti gently placed down the bottle of wines, glasses, and cards

"Form a circle" venti said smiling

The five obeyed

venti grabbed a card from the deck of cards "I'll go first"

"Make out with the person on your right or drink 4 shots of alcohol" he read out loud

Venti stared at aether whom is beside him

aether face flushed "drink." He demanded but venti was thinking the opposite

Venti smiled and cupped aether's cheeks then kissed him for 3minutes before breaking the kiss

"VENTI! why didn't you drink. You literally drink 4shots of alcohol for breakfast you fucker!" Aether whined as covers his mouth while blushing

Venti shrugged and smiled innocently at him. Earning glares from scara,kazuha and xiao

(Turns:venti, heizou,kazuha,scara,xiao,aether)

Heizou took a card : spin a bottle and give the person that the bottle lands on hickeys and bite marks near their chest area or drink half a bottle of alcohol

Heizou's as widened "pass me the damn bottle"

venti chuckled and passed him a bottle of wine

"Drink!drink! drink!" the five boys chant as heizou chug the bottle of alcohol until only half remained

(Part 2 will be out soon and that stuff contains traumatizing shit a.k.a smut)

[ I like not giving y'all what you want, It calms my soul (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ]

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