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Venti is sleeping on the floor with an empty bottle of dandelion wine in his hands

Heizou's on the floor beside venti, passed out

Meanwhile scara and kazuha we're chatting, slightly sober

"Where's Xiao and Aether?" Scara asked as he eats chips

"I'm the bathroom, fucking." Kazuha said and took some chips from scara

"Hmm" scara's eyes widened at the sudden realization hit "PARDON?" he chocked on his words

kazuha chuckled "they're fucking in the bathroom"

"They aren't even dating though, does that mean my chances with aether are shot down?" scara muttered

Kazuha nodded with a smile "pretty much, those two like each other anyways. They're probably gonna be dating first thing tomorrow"

"Hey, wanna fuck?" Kazuha asked scara nonchalantly, causing scara to cough and stare at kazuha in disbelief

"That's not something you ask so casually. what are you? A sex addict?."  Scara said with a glare

"Chill, I was joking. Unless~ you wanted it to be real? Hm?~" kazuha teased

The indigo haired boy glared "stop that, it's disgusting" scara spat out with a hint of disgust

Kazuha laughed in response



Xiao and Aether came out of the bathroom, looking refreshed and scara immediately noticed aether sorta struggling to walk

"Uh huh, its confirmed alright" scara said to kazuha, and kazuha nodded in response "told you so"

Xiao and Aether exited the room, then went to a different room to rest there, unbothered.

"I guess it's just us then" kazuha said with a smile to scara

"Don't give me that smile" he replied to kazuha coldly

"Geez, how colddddd" kazuha pouted then chuckled

After some time, scara stood up and exited the room but before he did he said "I'm going to another room to sleep, goodnight."

Kazuha smiled warmly at him "sleep well scara~"


Goddamn I have no idea how to end this book😵

We reached 8k!!! I'm so happy!!!
I love you all so muchhhh!!

Should I just leave it here? And make another book cause, I have new ideas. Atleast more stable and sensible one other than this lmao

Just saying if I do make a new book, which ship would y'all prefer? Xiaother again? Or maybe scarather and kazuscara?


I posted two chapters today and this is the 2nd chapter. Im removing the chapter of my announcement so y'all don't get confused and accidentally not read the nsfw chapter mwah <33

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