double trouble

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the last chapter was traumatizing even for me😭 I'm sorry 😭😭

(I'm looking at you whom requested the previous chapter)

aether pov :morning

I walked happily to the class room and kicked the door to make a grand entrance. the door got detached causing it to fall over

"oh f##k" I thought

my classmates heard the door's fall

"ma'am!!! aether broke the door again" Vanessa said pointing at me

the teacher started lecturing me and the only thing I could think about was "I swear I'm gonna wait for vannesa outside school and beat her up for snitching

"aether......" the teacher said glaring at me

"I'm sorry ma'am" I said sincerely

"guidance office now!" the teacher yelled while crossing her arms

I walked to the guidance office with a defeated expression

"mom's gonna kill me" I mumbled

"ouch-" I groaned falling to the ground

"watch were you're goi-" I said annoyed and was cutted off when I saw the figure that bumped into me

my eyes were mesmerized when I saw a blonde boy with red streak in his hair, extending his hand to me offering his help

"I'm sorry did I hurt you?" he said to me with a warm smile

"I'm fine thank you"I replied taking his hand

he pulled me close and said "my name's kazuha what's yours?"

"aether" i replied introducing myself

"I'm sorry but I have to go. I need to go the guidance office " I said removing his hand from my waist

he let go and waved at me warmly with a smile

"eckkk he was so cute" I thought "but no one's as handsome as xiaoeee" I added

I opended the door leading in the guidance counselor's office only to see a familiar figure.

the figure became clearer and clearer and I saw my crush Xiao with head facing the floor and bandages all over his arm

"how many times did I warn you not to beat up students!" the guidance counselor said in a angry but calm tone.

the guidance counselor looked at me, and signaled for me to sit across he/her desk

"I was framed..." xiao mumbled

"what was that?" the guidance counselor asked raising a brow

"nothing..." xiao said defeated

the sight made my blood boil as how the guidance counselor was treating Xiao. but again I'm only a student I can't do anything even if I wanted to

"alright then, I think this conversation is over. detention for a week Mr. alatus" the guidance counselor declared as he/she ends their conversation

Xiao head to detention

"now, what did you do Sora?"
(aether = Sora = same person)

"heh- I may or may not have broken a door...." I said nervously looking at the ground

"another one?" the guidance counselor sighed as if he/she's used to this (fun fact he/she's is used to this)

"Mr. sora since this is the 4th time you've broken a door I'm afraid money cannot fix this." he/she sighed

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