school festival🔞light smut

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time skip: 1 week after the cemetery thing

third person

aether has been avoiding Xiao since last week. he was to embarrassed to even face him after how he behaved that time


"raise your hand if you have a suggestion for what are classroom should be" yanfei  spoke.

"horror house!!" a student shouted while raising their hand

"maid cafe!, crossdressing cafe!!, fortune telling!!!!, marriage booth!!!" the students shouted their ideas excitedly

after some time aether's class decided to have a crossdressing cafe as their attraction.

Xiao pov

"that blondy he's been avoiding me" I  said sighing

"oh? oh?, hehe what's this? is cold hearted Xiao missing somebody?" hu tao said giggling

"I'm politely asking you to fuck off ghostfreak" I clicked my tounge

"ohh come on don't be such a tsundere xiaoeeeee" hu tao said with a big smirk as she tilt her head

I turn around ignoring her and started walking to the music room which is now abandoned and used as a storage room

as I walk near the music room I heard giggles and laughter. I opened the door ever so slightly and saw aether the blondy who's been avoiding me for a whole week.

I saw aether covering his red face. turned out his classmate made him wear a maid dress and have pigtails.

he looked gorgeous and apparently my lower part agreed since I got hard FUCK I thought

I noticed he looked at my direction so I quickly grab my phone took a picture and ran out of there.


I ran to the bathroom and went in a stall

"I'm hard" I thought as I unzipped my pants revealing a hard member I opened my phone displaying aether's picture and started stroking my c**k. ngh~ I moaned following with a groan  and started stroking even faster. ha~ahh I came on my hand.

I cleaned myself up and got out of the stall to wash my hand only to see aether blushing red like a tomato still in his maid dress while washing his hand

"did he hear me? I'm sure he did" I thought stopping on my tracks

aether pov

"that was Xiao? omg??????" I screamed inside my head

I heard his steps nearing me and next thing I know I got pinned to the wall

third person

Xiao pinned aether to the wall trapping him

aether respond with a small whimper with his eyes close

"open your eyes and look at me" Xiao demanded. aether slowly opened his eyes. his eyes were met by the boys
bright amber brown eyes staring at him

"cute" Xiao said with a grin on his face which made the blonde's face go bright red

the blonde once again closed his eyes in embarrassment.

Xiao took the opportunity and kissed aether on the lips while sliding his hand under his skirt. which aether responded to with a small moan and a whimper.

their lips parted and both the male panted.

Xiao took this opportunity to once again kiss aether but this time their tounge touched and both was fighting for dominance Xiao won and started giving sloppy kisses to aether while squeezing his thighs. only making aether moan and wanting for more

their lips once again parted leaving a string of saliva. Xiao then attacked aether's neck licking and sucking the blonde's neck eventually leaving a lot of hickey and some love bites

Xiao stopped and looked at the blonde   under his mercy moaning and whimpering at his every touch. he smirked and licked his tounge

(you have been blessed. this is how he looked like btw But in PIGTAILS lol)

 this is how he looked like btw But in PIGTAILS lol)

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the intense make out session was finally over

aether covered his face with his hands still feeling embarrassed.

"I'm sorry did I hurt you?" Xiao asked in concern

the blonde shaked his head. Xiao sighed in relief

"I- I actually en-enjoyed it" aether said in a stutter still covering his face

"I'm glad" Xiao replied with a smile and grabbed aether's hand off his face since he wanted to see his cute face

"come I'll help you go to class" Xiao said intertwining his hand on aether's hand

aether couldn't help but nod with a smile still feeling shy

this view made Xiao giggle and take a picture.

spoiler: school festival will be having a part 2 very soon hehe~

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