Losing A Life but Beginning of One(Filler)

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*25 years ago human realm*
It was a cold night and Y/N was making his way to a house. He was going to surprise his sister and husband with a gift he made. It was a clock that when the alarm goes off it a police siren springs out of it. He was about to knock on the door when he felt something pulling him back slowly.

Y/N turned around to see a portal pulling him towards it. He tried to out run it when suddenly a giant dark green arm popped out of the portal, grabbed him and Y/N through the portal with it closing after.

*Time Skip*
Y/N is seen chained to a wall beaten and battered. He has been stuck here a month and still doesn't know what is happening or where he is. All he knows is that he is nowhere near home.

The door suddenly opened with a tall figure walking out of it. He was tall and lean and wears a golden mask with two long upward-facing horns. His eyes are hollow through the mask, creating the appearance of having empty eye sockets. He wears a large white and brown cape with gold trim over a baggy gray tunic and black pants tucked into both his golden gloves and brown boots.

Y/N: "Who are you?"
The figure kept looking down at Y/N and shook his head.

Belos: "You are human correct?"
This confused Y/N as he looked back at Belos.

Y/N: "What the fuck do you mean by that? You're human aren't you? And your guards as well, they oughta be human."

Belos grabbed his mask and took it off to reveal he is an elderly man with a fair complexion, cornflower-blue eyes, wrinkly lips, and long, rough-looking, ash-blond hair reaching past his shoulders. His ears are pointed like a witch's ears. Most prominently though, he has a large, basil-green scar running across his face and down his neck with holes. Y/N backed up into the wall in shock as he stared at Belos.

Y/N: "What are you?"
Belos: "I am just as much of a human as you are, but my guards? They are witches, demons and they must be eradicated. And you my friend will help me as my witch hunter."
Y/N: "What? No way man! I got friends and family back home!"
Belos: "I'm sure that they would understand that your sacrifice would help me rid the demon realm."

Belos stood up and placed his mask back on. A guard walked in and knocked Y/N out cold.
Y/N slowly opened his eyes to see guards around him and one caught his attention. She has ivory skin, pointed ears, black lipstick, and mint green eyes. She also has dark claw-like nails. Her hair looked like it was orange and there is some black covering it.

Y/N: "W-What's happening?"

Y/N tried to move his arms but couldn't. He then saw Belos approaching him with a crooked knife in his hand. He raised the knife and stabbed Y/N in the chest making him to scream out in pain while Belos cut his chest open. Some of the guards were twirling their fingers around making green circles appear in the air as Belos dug around in Y/N's chest. Belos then ripped Y/N's heart out still beating in his hand. Y/N looked at it in shock when it started to glow green. Belos then turned to a guard that was close to some supplies on the table behind them.

Belos: "The Bile Sac please."
Guard1: "Right away, Emperor Belos!"

The guard looked through the supplies on the table and pulled out a jar. Inside of it was the Bile Sac but to Y/N it looked like a testicle. The guard went to Belos and handed him the sac. Y/N slowly fell unconscious while Belos was using his magic to attach the Bile Sac to Y/N's heart.
Y/N slowly opened his eyes while Belos was injecting some sort of viscous, liquid substance that is cerulean blue in color. Belos went to grab another bottle while a guard was holding a scroll that had a towering figure on it with a bottle filled with something with Y/N slowly fall back unconscious.
Somehow Y/N escaped from his cell and was running away from nearly all of the guards in the castle. His cell door somehow opened itself with his chain falling apart. In his hand was the last vial of the blue substance they have been injecting him with for the past two months. Y/N stopped near a balcony with the guards behind him. He looked down at the sight of the rushing water and looked back at the guards with Belos in front of him. There was a very large crack on his mask.

Belos: "That is far enough, now hand over the vial and come back quietly."
Y/N: "I don't think so."

Y/N then vaulted over the balcony with the guards firing spells at him. Belos pointed his staff at him and fired a spell onto Y/N's back that he made just for this situation. Belos turned around and walked back to his throne.

Belos: 'Now he can never go back home.'
Y/N's body washed up onto shore with footsteps heading to him. He slowly raised his head up and through the blood he saw a witch around his age running towards him with a panicked look panicked look on her face. She had orange hair with a little bit of grey that was made into a ponytail with ivory skin, pointed ears, maroon lips, and golden eyes. On her chest was an oval amber gem on chest and has a golden fang. She had gold earrings on and was wearing a red dress that doesn't cover her neck. She went to pick Y/N up who hissed in pain from the fall he had. She went onto her knees and started to twirl her finger around. A green circle appeared above Y/N and started to heal him very slowly and stopped the bleeding.

???: "Jeez man, what happened to you?"
Y/N: "Escaped....Thank.... You......"
???: "Hey now stay awake! Don't want ya dying while I'm holding you."
Y/N: "Names.....Y/N.....Noceda..."
Eda: "Eda, Eda Clawthorne."

Y/N slowly fell into conscious while Eda was dragging him back to her.
Y/N woke up back in the Owl House. He tried to get up but stopped when he heard someone groaning on top of him. He looked down to see Eda laying on his chest. He sighed and laid his head back down.

Eda: "Your lucky that you decided to lay back down or else I would have grabbed that beard of yours and tear it off."
Y/N: "I know hun...*yawns* how long have we been married for again?"
Eda: "20 years I think?"
Y/N: "At least our marriage is better than the Blights."
Eda: "Got that right, now be quiet and go back to sleep...Y/N?"

Eda looked up at Y/N and laughed a bit when she saw him fast asleep. Eda snuggled closer to Y/N and went to sleep as well. Inside of Y/N's beard was that same vial he held onto ever since he escaped Belos.

End of Chapter

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