GC strangers

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Aizawa POV

They all follow his action and soon all of their phones were out ready for a search. If they have contact with other villains or workers for Afo we would have to delete them all off since we're allowing them their phones.

I take Dabi's phone first, seeing that he probably has everything we need to know. I know Shigaraki is in fact the leader of the LOV, but Dabi has a vibe of a man who lived many past lives and is an important asset to both the league and Afo.

I ask for password and after he gave it to me and I unlock it, my eyes soften. The background picture was his siblings, all little and innocent. Him as Touya was holding Shoto, laughing happily, but baby Shoto looks confused. Their brother and sister running around them playfully. Whatever happened to this?

Suddenly I heard a clap and look up to see it was one of my problem children, No. 12 (Jiro). She must've thought that I was in another world. "Why are you taking so long, Mr Aizawa?" No.1 asks.

I look to the Todorokis, who were all in a huddle group, and I show them the picture. Shoto's brother and sister, Natsuo and Fuyumi, were soon in awe of it. Hawks came around to look at it as well and he covers his mouth in happy shock. Mrs Todoroki also looks very happy to see it, while Shoto, who has moved to be nearer to them, looks as confused as he did in the picture.

"Awwww" Natsuo and Fuyumi say in sync adoring it and turn to them older brother "Touya you still have that!".

"When was this?" Shoto asks Mrs Todoroki.

Mrs Todoroki smiles at him and pinches his cheek "When you were a baby of course!".

"F*ck" Dabi says, realising what I must've showed them, "Just look in my messages, Eraser, not the pictures".

"Wait-wait-wait-wait!" Toga exclaims "Please show!" And she smirks.

I do and all of them, Shigaraki, Toga and Oboro, turn to Dabi, put their left hands on their on their right chest and go "Awwwww" teasingly.

Dabi pushes Shigaraki playfully and yells "All of you f*ck off". They really like annoying each other.

I turn the phone back to myself and go to WhatsApp. I see normal apps like reading apps and games to pass time. I press on it and it immediately shows password identification. The f*ck? This is a f*cking WhatsApp!

I look to Dabi and he puts his hand out to take the phone. He then types in it and gives it back like this is normal. Could they all have this on their phones? A password security to go through to go to different apps. They are being really secure about their lives. Or maybe it's just Dabi... Nobody, apart from perhaps Afo, knew who he was until when Hacker revealed him yesterday.

When he gives it back, it was open on his recent calls, which were all red. Does he not pick up or call anyone? His latest call was from All for one himself but that was like 5 months ago. I go to the chats and one name catches my eyes.

It was a group chat. The last message was from a guy called Soft boi, and the message was 'Hope you guys well! 😢'. The name of the chat  was indeed... Crackheads of UA.

It hits me like a ton of bricks. Oh hell no... It feels like it can't be but... it makes so much sense. The mysterious personalities, the information, the knowledge on us. It was all them. I sigh and look to them, they all had a smirk.

So, it's pretty clear that Face palmer is Shigaraki, and Toga is Vampling. Motherboard is probably Oboro, since becoming a nomu is like being a programmed robot, as well as them saying that Motherboard was 'More of a mother figure'.

That means Dabi has to be Hacker and the reason of this mess. The timing as well on this too. They all somewhat quitted the Gc the day before they turned themselves in, meaning that they knew we were going to find out.

He was also the one exposing all of us all the time. But wouldn't that mean that he planned it all? Because he exposed Hawks, who was his childhood friend, and his family and himself. Was this his final goal?

My eyebrows rise as I process all of this. I give the phone to Nezu and after 3 seconds he was chuckling uncontrollably. Everyone looks so confused now. Nezu laughs at the ironic, or the intrusive, which rarely happens in his case so this was rather surprising to my students.

"Hawks you were right!" He says calming himself down "'Every single detail just links together'!".

Everyone apart from me, the lov and Nezu were confused.

Shoto POV

I had moved towards my Mom since Aizawa and the Oboro guy had their reunion and have spectated since.

We were all clueless on what they were talking and laughing about. What was on Touya's phone that could be so funny? Not even funny, something that MAKES both Nezu laugh and Aizawa smile.

Aizawa then looks like he has an idea. He looks directly at Touya and asks "Since now you are completely unemployed, do you finally want a job?". It was like they having some inside joke because the league grins at the question, especially Touya, who then looks like he's visibly thinking and puts his hands in a heart position "Maybe".

"Wait a minute..." Midoriya mutters loudly, grabbing everyone's attention "Let me just look to be sure. The last time he did that was the.......... when hawks asked them that last and it would make sense if they were........ but however....... Making this..... that can only be...." He was mumbling again.

Soon Bakugo looks like he couldn't take it anymore and shout "Shut tf up nerd and tell us the f*ck your damn mumbling is on about?!!?!?!!".

Midoriya looks straight up like he pieced it together "Hacker is Dabi, Face palmer is Shigaraki, Vampling is Toga and Motherboard is/was Oboro/Kurogiri.".

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