Chapter 12

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Melusi Mdalose

"Hello Rosalie". I hear a deep breath being taken on the line.

"ngizokushaya ubani uRosalie , u Rosalie amabhola akho".

"Haibo mama". My father is a warrior to have survived this woman.

"Haibo mama ini , now tell me what can I do for you".

"Who said I'm here for favours". My mom knows me very well, but there's a lot of things she doesn't know about me.

"I know you my boy now speak up".

"I found a woman". I hear her laughing.

"Hai what's wrong with you today and making jokes". I guess she doesn't know me that well after all.

"Mama I'm honest I found a woman , her name is...". Before I could finish she interrupted me.

"I don't know what you smoked or if your work is no more demanding to the point we've you have time to joke but baby I'm not here for that . I know damn well you have no girl". She even said damn. What's so hard to believe I have a girl.

"Mama I'm honest". She laughs again.

"My son I know you by my heart, no woman can fit the category to be your girlfriend or wife so it's better you stop the prank you are on". Mxm.

"Her name is Ntombikayise, she's my PA she joined 2 weeks back , she's from a rich family and we not cohabiting. I hope you believe me so that you can get better information on and meet her". I'm still shocked that my mom does not believe I have a woman by my side

"Wait Melusi Shaka Mdalose, ukhuluma iqiniso".

"Yes mama I am serious".

"Myeni!! Myeni!! woza uzwe lezi zindaba!!". My mom shouts , even through the phone her voice is to loud. "I'm very proud of you my son". She says lowly. I can here her saying thank you Jesus.

"Mkami, akumele kube yizindaba zesonto  ngikhathele yenhlebo yesonto". I hear my dad say to my mom.

This two couple right here is the definition of wedding vows. Their marriage is not perfect but they love one another to the core.

"Hai baba mayelana nendodana yethu". My mom says irritated about what my dad said.

I don't blame my dad my mom always wants to talk about church beef.

"mfana wami akanankinga, omsulwa wakhe . ngamkhulisa sidinga ukumkhipha ejele".

Who is in jail now.

"Uyaphapha baba, ngubani owathi indodana yakho  usejele. manje ngiyabona uzofuna umvikele kukho konke". My parents are crazy most especially my dad .

Where he came about the jail information , you'll never know.

"uma engekho ejele ufunani kimi". My father will make my mom age quickly.

"unentombi". My mom say's excitedly to my dad.

" ungichithele isikhathi ukungitshela amanga. ngebhadi anginaso isikhathi for amanga". I hear my mom sight.

"I don't blame him mom it's hard to believe I'll bring her for dinner sometime".

"Okay my son , does she know about your condition". I sigh.

"I'm afraid mom.... What if she leaves me".

"If she does love you she will accept you the way you are, Melusi my child love does not only consist of love , if love only consisted of love it would never work out. In a relationship you need to compromise yourself and sometimes when you compromise yourself you will feel uncomfortable and doubt why am i doing this , but there's a certain limit in compromising , don't be the one who always compromise in a relationship".

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