Chapter 13

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"Take out the hoodie , no suits today".

Today is there is a braai at Entle's place to celebrate her and her fiancé's engagement. We are currently running late as usual.

"Babe I don't think is appropriate to wear a hoodie at a celebration". What his saying makes sense but the cons weight the pros.

"Your making sense neh but let's think about you, your going to braai so your going to braai with a suit. Your suit will smell smoke and baby this is not a formal event it's informal so there's no need to look formal".

"I want to wear a suit". Hai okay.

"Okay you can wear a suit but your not going to be in the same car as me. I don't want to seem crazy being with a man who's wearing a suit in this informal gathering". I'm wearing a body-con dress and a puffer jacket with some open toe sandals which are transparent with my black bag.

The outfit I'm wearing is informal but we're here waiting for someone's brother who thinks he should wear a suit . To impress who I don't know.

"Baby don't this to me ngiyacela , this will be my last time wearing a formal suit to a informal event please mama". Eish this man will make me crazy.

"Okay last time then after this no more suits at informal events right". I stare at him in the eyes wait for his respond.

If you want to get the truth out of Melusi you need to look him in the eyes. Melusi's eyes holds emptiness but there is a lot of emotions that are held within those eyes. He hides his emotions in the eye's.

"I promise mama, now let's go". He takes my hand and leads us down stairs.

Did I ever mention to you guys how perfect this man's ass is? I don't think so but let me tell you guys , this man has a perfect ass. I can't wait for the day I get to grab that nice ass.

"Get inside the car and stop looking at my ass". He states opening the car door for me. I don't even know how driving a car is nowadays or even opening a car door.

After entering the car he closes the door and goes to this side . He start the car and drives off to his sisters house.

"You can't blame me baby for looking at your ass it's perfect and nicely defined". He chuckles after my statement.

"I see you haven't met Snr Mdalose , but don't worry once you meet him you'll never be obsessed with my ass again". His dad?

"Haibo you want me to look at your dad's ass". The side eye he just gave me .

"It takes time for you to register this kind of jokes neh, but don't worry now now you'll be used to them". I look at him confused.

I come to a realisation of what he said and I'm sure my face has lifted beyond the word lifted.

"Melusi I can't deal with you". He just smirks.

Now I know what my mom and dad meant about love. His that one person that I've been waiting for my life that will adore me as I am. He praises the way I speak, the way I eat, the way my stomach folds when I sit, the way it takes time for me to understand his jokes. I want more beautiful memories with him that sometime in the future we can look back and want to recreate those memories. Melusi is what I want and what I'll forever want .

I was never looking for a knight but here's my knight . I can't stop my knight , his unstoppable, whatever he puts his mind into he gets it. Melusi never promised me the moon and back . That's why I admire him , he doesn't hold onto things that were not discovered by him.

I look at this man , the man who makes all the pain go away by just looking at me. Love hurts but it also feels so damn good at the same time. Compromising is not easy at all but with the perfect person it feels like a piece of cake. I take my hand into his , I hope with every challenge we will face we will keep on holding each other this tight

We arrive at Entle's place and honestly this house is beautiful but not my cup of tea . It screams money. I've never understood houses or anything concerning estates . At least I'm covered for my future house I have a man who deals with construction I guess he know the all the things.

"Loosen up please". I plead as he opens the car door for me .

"Whatever". I feel like this man has been stealing my attitudes this past few days.

"I still can't believe we skipped work today".

"It felt good skipping work today". We had to skip work cause this man didn't want me to go take my clothes for work at my parents place .

I don't think that is reasonable, anyways at-least his the CEO.

When we get to the door he knocks , what a surprise I thought we were only just going to enter.

The door opens and entle is wearing sweats . I look at Melusi and his avoiding any form of eye contact with me. He looks funny right now.

"What's up with you two, actually what's up with Bhuti being overdressed". She asks looking confused.

"Ohh my man right here is called Melusi Suit Mdalose so don't mind him". I inform her passing through her getting in the house.

"Haibo Melusi with you a person has to always be saying haibo cause haibo". Entle understands.

"At least someone who gets me . This suit thing has to end". I hug her . "Nice house you go here". I compliment her house, okay guys the inside is incredibly beautiful and clean.

"Thank you , Melusi constructed it". I look behind me to look at him , and I see him looking at my ass.

"That ass is nicely shaped right". I ask him and that's when he looks up smiling. "Now take us to the people".

"Y'all still late though".she says guiding us outside.

"It's the business tycoon who made us late".

"Both of you need to stop talking about me when I'm literally behind you". That deep voice just makes me soaking wet.

We get outside and people are sitting in the deck.

"Wow this deck is so pretty". I compliment.

"As I said your man".

We walk up to the people and it's literally her friends and other gents.

"Guys this is My brother Melusi and his girlfriend Ntombikayise but call her Ntombi". I really hate introductions.

"This is Kayla's husband Thapelo they've been married for 3 years and have 1 daughter". They really look good together.

"Nice to meet you Thapelo and Kayla a whole mom , wow your body is banging I never thought". She smiles and we hug.

"Nice to met you to Ntombi". I handshake the husband.

"This is Basetsana's husband smith and they have been married for 2 years with 2 kids both boys".

"This is the lucky husband, Smith your very luck my guy. Basetsana". I hug Basetsana me and her have been communicating and it's been perfect .

"Your the Ntombi it's good to put the face on the name, you've been making my wife happy". I hug both the couple.

"This is Thando's boyfriend Zane". Oww

"Nice to meet you both next". I don't even hug any of them. I don't want to force myself onto Thando.

"And this is my fiancé Lefa".

"Behave yourself Lefa , and it's a pleasure meeting you". I handshake him.

"Ntombi as for you saying behave yourself". Basetsana laughs.

"It's just a warning". Melusi laughs and we all looks at him.

My weird man

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