It's over

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Kyles POV:

I woke up at 11 am, extatic for my date with Stan. I didn't officially get out of bed until 12 pm, I didn't wanna get ready too early.

Ma asked me to go to the park with Ike, we that's what I was doing. We ate lunch, then headed towards the playground.

"Kyle, can you push me on the swings, please!" Ike asked me with the cutest puppy dog eyes ove ever seen. I just couldn't resist. "Fine."

I pushed him on the swings, went down the slides, climbed up a mini rock wall, and played pirates with him. Once it hit 3, we became too exhausted to continue. We talked about all the elementary school drama as we walked back home.

I instantly hopped into the shower when we got home. I had to look, and smell, perfect for my date.

I shaved the small amount of facial hair I had, and trust me, it wasn't a lot.

Once I had finished getting clean, it was already 5. I only had 1 hour to finish getting ready. I rushed to brush my teeth and my hair and get changed into an appropriate outfit.

I picked out an emerald green crewneck sweater over a white turtleneck. I put on my slightly baggy black jeans and green converse. I finished the look with my big, black glasses. I did finger guns as I looked in the mirror. Not to toot my own horn, but I looked hot.

I give myself a final pat down before I grab my wallet, keys, and phone. I say goodbye to my parents and Ike before I get into the car and drive to the local corner store.

I get out of my vehicle and walk inside. I grab a few bags of Stan's favorite candies. They included reeses, nerd clusters, and airhead extremes.

Finally, I went over to look at flowers. I wanted something just as beautiful as he was. I scan everything and suddenly land on a bouquet of chrysanthemums. They were red and smelled sickly sweet.

I picked them up and headed to the front counter to pay.

I checked the time again, and it was already 6. Holy shit, I was late to picking up Stan. I quickly drove to his house and texted him that I was here before heading to the door.

I carried the flowers, leaving the candy in the car for convenience.

Stan ❤️: just finishing getting ready. Be out in 5 mins <3

I scrolled through my phone while I waited. I realize I hadn't checked eavesdropper in a while. I can't believe people still use that stupid app, but hey, I'm all for some juicy gossip.

I scrolled for a bit before I found some that left me in tears.

Stan and... Wendy? On a lunch date? Holding hands? What the fuck.

I felt sadness swell up inside of me, but that sadness quickly turned into anger. Stan was cheating on me. And he wasn't even fucking discreet about it!

I threw the flowers on the ground, stomping on them before running to my car. I needed to get out of here.

I drove. I drove, and I drove, and I drove. I didn't know where I was going, and I didn't care. I couldn't breathe.

I finally stopped at a cliffside. It was beautiful. I got out of my car, sitting on a bench I had found.

And then, for the first time, I had really let myself cry. I thought he was the one. But he cheated on me with his childhood girlfriend.

As my tears died down, I opened my phone to see if Stan had texted me at all.

Stan ❤️: I thought you said you were here? Where are you?

Stan ❤️: Kyle?

Stan ❤️: Kyle, sweetheart, please answer me.

I didn't text back. Instead, I got back in my car and drove to his house.

I had to do what needed to be done. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

I arrived 30 minutes later, it was already 8pm. I didn't care. I had to get it over with.

I knocked on the door. Stan almost instantly opened the door. He looked like he had been crying too. His face instantly lit up as he saw me, but I knew it was fake.

"Oh my god, Kyle! Where have you been? I thought we had plans-" he started speaking, but I quickly interpreted.

"I'm breaking up with you." I sighed.

"It's over, Stan."

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