Wendy Testaburger

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Stans POV

I was standing in the hallway next to my friends, Eric and Kenny. I had just texted Kyle to hurry his ass to school. I hate to admit it, but I missed him.

Kyle🧑🏻‍🦰🏳️‍🌈🫶: I had to drop Ike off at school! Be there soon x

I looked down at my phone and smiled. Cartman shoved my shoulder and laughed. "Who ya texting? Got a little girlfriend?"

"It's none of your business, fatass," I groaned. My phone suddenly vibrated. I jumped a little, expecting my lovely boyfriends name to appear on my phone.

Wendy: Stan.

I starred at the ominous message. Wendy was texting me? What did she want from me?

Stan: ???

Wendy: We need to talk.

Stan: I told you, we're over. I don't have feelings for you anymore

Wendy: It's not about that. It's different.

Stan: Fine. What do you want?

Wendy: Meet me by the bathrooms on the 3rd floor asap.

I sighed as I shut my phone off and shoved it in my pocket. What did she want?

I walked swiftly to our meeting location. I finally spotted Wendy sitting on the floor next to the bathroom door. Her long, black hair fell down her face like an inky waterfall. Her purple cardigan reminded me of grape candy.

"Stan, you actually came!" She yelped in excitement. She stood up, awkwardly hugging me. I hugged back.

"Yea, I guess I did," we laughed. It was the first time we'd talked since the break up.

"So um.. you're probably wondering why I wanted to talk to you." she giggled awkwardly. Her eyes looked off to the side as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Yea, it was kind of sudden. I mean, we haven't talked in so long." I followed her gaze.

"Stan I-" she spoke, but before she could finish, I heard Kyle calling my name. I looked in the direction of his voice, then back at Wendy, but she had already sprinted away.

As I chatted with Kyle, I wondered what could have happened with Wendy. Why did she run off so quickly?

Kyle walked me to class, and I gave him a giant peck on the lips before I went inside. As I found my usual seat, I got a new text from Wendy.

Wendy: I'm so sorry I ran off so fast. I'll explain everything later. Please just meet me in the gym after school. And don't bring anyone.

Stan: I will, I promise

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