Chapter 1: Let's Begin

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Chapter 1: From the Future to the Past

Department of Mysteries - August 26, 2018

On the deepest level of the Ministry of Magic, in the least known section of the Department of Mysteries, a dark haired man sat at a well used desk reading what looked like an ancient scroll by candle light in silence when an alarm started to go off. Unspeakable Emerald, an inside joke from his recruiter, calmly got up and tucked the scroll into his trunk before shrinking the trunk and tucking it in his pocket.

Hadrian Jameson Charlus Prince-Potter, more commonly known as Harry James Potter, made his way into the DOM's ritual room at a calm pace.

Normally, when alarms start sounding, most people would panic and start to rush but that wasn't him, not anymore at least. Many years ago, when he had been a teenager, maybe, but not any more. They had made sure of that.

At the age of 17, when most other children were having fits of teenage rebellion, Harry had been leading a rebellion. He had willingly walked to his death, only to find out it wasn't worth it less than a year later.

Less than a week after the final battle Dumbledore had come forward. He explained that he had faked his death so that he could do more research unwatched. Everyone accepted that it had been 'for the grater good'. If Albus Dumbledore said it, it had to be true.

Harry had been feeling off that entire week but it wasn't until the funerals started that he realized something was wrong. He stood next to the Weasley family at Freds' funeral but he didn't cry. In fact he attended dozens of funerals and never once cried. It was at the funeral of Remus Lupin that he figured out why. It was because he felt nothing.

Thinking back, he realized that ever since the battle he had not felt a single emotion. But that wasn't right... He had willingly walked to his death before facing the most feared dark lord in single combat, and during it all, he had felt nothing.

When he told his best and most trusted friends he was told that it was just shock, he would get over it in time. He just needed to let himself relax. But time went by, and still... He felt nothing.

It had been almost a full year later that he learned why.

Harry had been sitting in Chief Ragnock's, Director of Gringotts, office. He was there to finalize the repayment for breaking in and releasing the dragon.

Seeing something in Harry's eyes, Ragnock called in another goblin. The then preformed an inheritance test. What they discovered caused Harry's world to flip.

Harry was not the son of Lily and James Potter, but instead, he was the son of Severus Snape Prince and James Potter. He was the Lord of 8 houses. And that wasn't the worst of it.

There was evidence that he had been under loyalty, submission, and compulsion potions since he had been a young child. Blocks had been placed on his magic, the first was placed on November 1, 1991, the second block was placed when he was 2, and others were placed when he was 5,11,13, and 16. He was also under glamours. All of which bore the magical signature of Albus Dumbledore. There was also a block on his soul mate bond and he had been dosed with over 200 different love potions, a vast majority of which were aimed at Ginny Weasley.

Ragnock explained that that was why he was no longer able to feel anything. His body had been fighting against the soul mate block since it had been placed when he was only 4 months old, with the addition of the potions it had caused his emotions to burn out. The goblin healer that had been brought in to remove all the potion residue, spells, glamours, and bindings that were on him theorized that all of his emotions since the age of 16 had been potion or spell induced.

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