Chapter 29: Future

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Ron and Hermione

With the end of their time in school real life began for the two young lovers. And it was no where near the life they had been promised.

As children both had been promised a life of fame and luxury. Instead, they got a life of work and anonymity.

Ron did end up getting accepted to work in the Department of Magical Games and Sports, and while he was there he had a great deal of fun, but ended up getting little to no work done. Working in that department wasn't just talking about quidditch Ron was forced to learn, they actually were supposed to be doing the work of arranging for games to be held and not just attending them.

After a year and a half of not doing the job properly Ron was let go by the department. Like it had been with school, Ron just didn't understand that he was supposed to be on time and prepared. Then there was the actual work, amongst the things those in his departments were responsible for was things like security and arranging locations. Both of those were things Ron didn't care about so he never really bothered, he didn't seem to understand that a large sporting event might need to have security to intervene between the fans of rival teams.

In the end, he ended up going to his mum for help and she quickly put him to work. But since Ron couldn't be trusted around food, he was set to work in the pub. And, surprisingly, Ron found his place there.

He only worked a few hours each night and wasn't expected to do more than pour pints and serve liquor. It also helped that Dung had gotten a magical T.V. in the pub and they showed every quidditch match. Ron was always good for talking with the regulars about the match.

Ron had been promised a life of fame and fortune, but ended up finding himself content without it. Despite wanting to be famous, he had never been willing to do anything to earn it, the same with the money. While he couldn't buy every thing he wanted, he had enough to get by, and that turned out to be enough for him.

A few years after graduation he married Hermione and between the two of them they managed to afford a small place at the edge of Hogsmeade. He even figured they could afford to have children in a few years, something he knew would please his mother.

Ron still stayed in touch with his dad and brothers, but they were never as close as they had once been. They were just too different and too much had happened. His dad did drop by to see him from time to time at the pub, but they were closer to acquaintances then father and son. While he had invited the rest of his family to his wedding, it had really only been for the gifts he and Hermione had known they would get from the wealthier side of the family, and Molly had thrown a fit about it.

His mum wasn't overly happy with his choices, but Ron had finally learned to just ignore her and do what he preferred. Molly was still overbearing and controlling, but Ron had seen how much damage she had done in his life, and didn't plan on letting her continue.

Ron had actually made peace with his life.

Hermione wasn't nearly as relaxed as her husband.

After graduating Hermione had applied for all kinds of jobs in the ministry. And she was rejected for every single one. The response was always the same, she needed at least basic experience before she could get the positions she wanted.

The reason for that is that Hermione chose to only apply to positions that were in positions of superiority. She hadn't applied for a single open lower level position. She didn't think she should have to start as an intern or anything, she wanted to be an office manager or even a deputy head of department.

In the end one of Dumbledore's people who was still loyal to him ended up offering her a part time position. But it wasn't a position of power or anything. Rather than the grand position of power she thought she deserved, Hermione worked part time in the accounting department. She spent 20 hours each week going over the budgets of low level departments.

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