Chapter 4: Severus and Remus

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Hogwarts - March 9, 1996

Severus Snape was annoyed. He honestly had no idea why anyone ever thought that it would be a good idea to make him a teacher as punishment for what he did during the last war. No, wait, he knew exactly who's idea it was, Albus bloody Dumbledore.

Severus both loved and hated the man. Albus was clearly biased against those like him, but at the same time he had saved him from Azkaban, and had attempted to protect the only woman he had ever loved, Lily. Even thinking her name Severus felt his heart break a little. He loved her so much.

Last week he had received a letter from Gringotts. The was odd for Severus as he had been informed that his finances would be taken care of by the ministry for the next decade as part of his parole. Figuring it was just some kind of mistake and that a representative of the ministry would meet him there He hadn't bothered to tell the head master. The last thing he needed was more guilt trips from the man, or having Minerva look down her nose at him.

Now it was spring break. Since all of his Slytherins had gone home for the week he was free to go and gather potions ingredients. He had made an appointment for after lunch that day so that he would have the rest of the holidays to gather ingredients.

Dumbledore and Minerva had originally tried to make him stay at the school. He had simply pointed out that either he collected the potions ingredients himself or they would have to pay for them. When they had tried to say that they really didn't need that much he smirked and said then it was there responsibility to inform Poppy that he would not be able to make the potions she had requested for cold and flu season because they felt that they weren't needed. That had shut them up. He knew that both Dumbledore and Minerva were on better terms with the schools matron than he was but even they were afraid to tell her how to run her hospital wing.

Once all his Slytherins were packed and ready, he walked them all down to the train. He may not be overly fond of children but there was no way he was going to let his students behave like the lions. Minerva's house seemed to have no decorum, yet for some reason were seen as perfect.

Diagon Alley, Gringotts

With that done, Severus apperated to Diagon Alley. Going into the bank he got in line to speak to one of the tellers. When he reached the front of the line he politely informed the goblin he had a meeting with Chief Ragnock and requested to be shown the way. Severus rarely ever had to deal with any goblins other than Filius, but he always made sure to be polite, only a fool angered those that managed your money, not that he had much.

Severus was led to an office deep in the bank. Once the goblin on the others side of the desk indicated he took a seat wondering what was going on as there was no one from the ministry there. But before he could ask the goblin spoke.

"Greetings Lord Prince, as I am sure you have guessed I am Chief Ragnock. During the course of an investigation we noticed some irregularities with your accounts so I decided to meet with you personally so that we could work this out."

"Chief Ragnock I am confused. I was informed when I was released from Azkaban that I was on probation and that my parole officer would be in charge of my finances. Also, I can't be Lord Prince, My mother and I were disowned."

Ragnock Quickly preformed the in-depth inheritance test. He made sure to keep it and not hand it over to Severus due to what he saw.

"Wrong on both counts. You are indeed correct that your mother was disowned. She broke a marriage contract with another pureblood family when she ran away with your father. However, your grandfather was very specific in is will. Although he disowned your mother he never disowned you. He left everything he had to you." Stopping for a moment Ragnock ordered some tea for them both before continuing.

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