Chapter 6: Malfoy's Memories

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When Amelia stepped out of the office she saw Lord Peverell Gryffindor standing in the hall waiting.

"May I have a moment of you're time Madam Bones?" James asked in his most charming voice.

"Of course Lord Peverell Gryffindor." She said as she placed her hand in the crook of his arm and let him escort her back towards her office.

"Please call me Sebastian."


"Well than Amelia, I wished to apologize for how I spoke to you before I left. I know about you'r personal past with Sirius as well as your reputation. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do the right thing. I just wished to impress upon Fudge that his actions will have consequences with me. With him nothing is more important than his money and power so that is what I threatened. A vague threat is no ones friend after all."

Amelia let out a small chuckle. "I fully understand. How that man managed to become minster I will never understand. but he is what we have so we must deal with him. Now tell me, is there anything that I could say to Sirius that might make him more willing to trust me. Something tells me he is not going to be in the best mood with any ministry officials."

"Yes. Tell him that Mooney wants him to come. That should get him to follow you anywhere."

"And just who is Mooney."

"His less then pleased, extremely anxious, husband."


"Amelia, I know it is not my place to tell you how to deal with the people in your department but if I may make a suggestion. I know that it is policy that whenever someone goes to Azkaban with the intent of meeting with a prisoner they are required to have back up. I would personally suggest that you take Kingsley Shacklebolt with you. He is a good man and seems to be more honest than others in your department that I shall not mention. There is also the added bonus that Sirius was his training officer."

"I agree with you. Kingsley is a good man. I know I will be able to trust him with this. Thank you for your suggestion. Now, if there is nothing else Sebastian I shall leave you now and get back to work. I will see you in a few days."

"Thank you Amelia. I shall be seeing you."

With that the two parted company and James headed for the exit. He didn't make it to far before he caught a glimpse of someone else that made him hesitate. As he watched Lucius Malfoy arrived at the ministry.

James had never been overly fond of Malfoy, he found him to be overly pompous, even by pure blood standards, but he had been one of Sev's most trusted friends. The only reason that he hadn't been aware of their relationship at school was because he had already graduated and had the dark mark.

From reading everything that Hadrian had provided he now knew the the imperious defence was more than just a way to get out of trouble. Lucius had indeed been placed under the curse, by none other than his own father. He had been forced to take the mark and forced to do unspeakable things to protect his wife and child, and he would have to do it again if they were unable to change time.

Making a decision he headed over to the other man. There was a memory orb that was meant for him in the trunk after all.

"Lord Malfoy, if I might have a moment of your time. I promise it won't take much time."

Lucius looked over at the man. This was someone he did not know but there was still something familiar about him. Looking him over he saw the posture of a born and raised pureblood. He also saw the refined clothing that spoke of both wealth and class, two things that so rarely went together these days.

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