Chapter 19: Second Year

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Ministry of Magic - June 26, 2002

It had only been two days since school ended, but Percy Weasley was ready to go back to school.

As soon as they had gotten home Ron had started whining that Percy had locked him in a compartment again just because he had been trying to find his friend. It had resulted in a screaming match, but only Molly and Ron had been screaming. Percy and the twins had just sat and stared at the other two until their father came home.

When Percy explained that Ron had been confined because he and Hermione had once again been slamming in and out of compartments, insulting other students, in their search for Hadrian. The seventh year Gryffindor prefects were the ones to lock them in after they caught Ron pushing a puff into a wall.

Arthur was disappointed that Ron had once again been caught bullying. They had gotten notes home at least once a month stating that Ron was serving detention for bullying. Letters were automatically sent out by the school for any disciplinary actions other than loss of points.

Molly just started making up excuses. There was no way, in her mind, that her precious baby boy could ever be a bully.

Percy rolled his eyes. Nothing was ever Ron's fault, it always had to be someone else that was in the wrong.

Percy was once again avoiding the house as much as he could. He did feel bad that that meant that he was avoiding his father, but he didn't know what else to do. He loved his father, but he just couldn't stand that woman. Not knowing what he knew now.

Bill had sat down and explained about the ritual she and the headmaster had done, the year before. He told him that he found out when he had had an in-depth inheritance test done.

That woman stole his fathers from each other. Percy would never forgive her for that. He hated her for hurting his family.

Now, Percy was walking out of the education office where he had been taking the extra OWLs that he had been self studying for. Since he was done that, now he was going to have to find a job, but he just didn't know what he wanted to do.

As he was wondering aimlessly down the hall towards the exit he heard someone call his name. Turning around he saw Lord Peverell and Lord Shacklebolt with a man that he knew was the Chief Warlock.

"Lord Peverell, Lord Shacklebolt. It's good to see you again." He said in a formal voice.

"Hello Mr. Weasley. Allow us to introduce you to Chief Warlock Gerald Greengrass. Here doing a few extra OWLs?" Lord Peverell asked him.

"Pleasure to meet you Chief Warlock. Yes sir, just finished the last of the tests I needed to take."

"And what do you plan to do for the rest of the summer?"

"I'm not sure. I was thinking about going to River Run to get a job in one of the shops there."

"Hmmm. Mr. Weasley, from what happened with the library and the misfiled books a few years ago I can assume that you are good at research and filing." Kensington said. He had had an idea.

"I like to think I am, sir." Percy told him.

Gerald picked up on what Kensington was hinting towards. When Gerald had become Chief Warlock he had found a complete disaster. Albus hadn't bothered to properly file any of the paperwork he was supposed too.

Gerald looked to the boy. "Mr. Weasley. Would you consider working for me for the summer? You see, our last few Chief Warlocks haven't bothered to keep up to date with their paperwork. I have been doing what I can, but it is a lot of work. I promise, I will pay well."

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