Chapter 25: Fifth Year (Part 2)

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Diagon Alley - December 23, 2005

Hadrian and Neville were sitting at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour happily eating their favourite ice creams. Alexander, Neville's little brother, was happily sitting next to them as he watched the people moving about the alley.

Hadrian had had to come into the alley to drop his sisters off. They were meeting up with one of their friends from the magical kids school that the Sea Cliff House had started for those to young to attend Hogwarts, or those that proved to be squibs. The girls were going to be spending the afternoon with their friend before flooing home in the evening.

Neville had had to grab a few things that he had had to special order from the herbology shop. Alex had begged to bring him along for ice cream and Neville hadn't been able to resist his little brothers pleas.

It was supposed to be a quick in and out, but Hadrian sighed as he saw that wasn't going to happen. Walking into the alley was both Hermione and Ginny, followed by who Hadrian knew were Hermione's parents. If they were spotted he had no doubt that the girls would come and harass him like usual.

Hadrian slid down a little further in his seat and let out a sigh as he saw Ginny catch sight of him and immediately make a beeline for them. He knew this was going to happen. Why, oh why, couldn't he just be invisible to certain people? Like Hadrian, Neville let out a sigh as they both heard Ginny calling out. Hadrian swore it was like she had a tracker on him.

Unbeknownst to Hadrian, Hermione also sighed softly as she saw him and Neville. She had been on her way to the bookstore and now she was going to have to pretend she liked the two boys.

She had had to argue with her parents since the moment she got home just to be allowed to come to the alley today and now they were going to have to waste some of their time on the idiot and his friend. There was no way Ginny was going to give up the chance to be seen with him publicly. And, although it would be useful for their plan, she really didn't want to waste her time pretending the boys mattered.

"Hi Harry!" Ginny practically bounced over to where the boys were sitting.

Hermione followed at a slower pace with her parents right behind her. After they had been told about what happened with that pathetic Slytherin they had been keeping her under constant supervision. She wasn't allowed to do anything fun. They were even forcing her to study at the kitchen table so they could watch what she was doing.

"Ms. Weasley, Ms Granger." Neville nodded to both girls before looking to the adults that followed them. "Sir. Ma'am."

"Hello boys." Jean smiled at the two polite young men and the little boy.

"Who's that?" Ginny questioned as she pointed rudely at Alex.

Howard Granger cleared his throat at the rudeness. "Allow me to make introductions since the girls don't seem to want to. This is my wife, Jean Granger, and I am Howard Granger. We are both dentists in the muggle world."

"Pleasure to meet you both." Neville reached out and shook Howard Granger's hand. "This is Lord Hadrian Potter-Black. I am Heir Neville Longbottom. And this is my little brother Alexander Longbottom."

Howard and Jean couldn't help but share a look when they heard that one of the boys was a lord and that another was an heir to another title. While they knew Lords existed in theory, neither of them thought they would meet one, not to mention one so young. These boys were the same age as their daughter.

"Aren't you a little young to be recognized as a Lord? I thought you had to be 18 before you could accept the title. At least, that's how it is in the non-magical world." Jean questioned in confusion.

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